😔Who comforts you when you're sad and how did they do it?😔

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Aries ♈: Ortho (his sensors notice that your body is producing large amounts of stress and goes through guided breathing exercises with you to help calm you down) 

Taurus ♉: Kalim (didn't want to make you sadder by forcing you to tell you what was bothering you, so took you on a magic carpet ride and played the drums for you to cheer you up) 

Gemini ♊: Deuce (took you to run around/do any physical activity to get your mind off of it and hopefully get you to tell him what's wrong)

Cancer ♋: Trey (you baked a cake together and he listened to you rant about it while you both ate the cake, tried to give you some advice too) 

Leo ♌: Rook (noticed you looking upset while "observing" Leona and somehow?? knew exactly what happened and gave you his honest opinion. Also, if you wish you didn't look awful after a breakdown, Rook has tips on hand that work)

Virgo ♍: Riddle (Riddle doesn't know how to comfort anyone so when he saw you upset it was awkward, he just sat beside you and told you if you wanted to tell him what happened, he would be there to listen. If anyone in particular hurt you, you can be certain he's marching straight up to them and lecturing them unless you didn't want him to)

Libra ♎: Jack (wants to know if anyone made you upset, but didn't pressure you because "it's not like he cares." worked out with you to better your mood and doesn't pry about it if you don't want him to)

Scorpio ♏: Malleus (he walked into the room like "Child of man, where are you?" Because low key he got worried why you didn't answer his letters [even though he sends a bunch of them but we don't mention that]. Malleus knows how to calm a crying baby, but he has no idea how to console you, so he lets you hug him if you need to. Once you've calmed down, he wants you to tell him if anyone did that to you, because if your sadness was caused by someone he's unconsciously summoning storm clouds with green lightning, now it's your  turn to calm him down-)

Sagittarius ♐: Ace (tries to make you laugh using the worst jokes known to mankind. Whether it works or not is your choice lol)

Capricorn ♑️: Silver (takes a nap with you because he says sleep makes everything better™)

Aquarius ♒: Idia (watches your favourite anime with you because he can't comfort anyone. If you don't have a favourite he's probably putting on a bad comedy so you two can criticize the jokes)

Pisces ♓: Jade (he's stepping into the room like "Oh my, what do we have here?" and trying to get you to tell him what's wrong, because if someone made you this upset he's finding blackmail on them and force them to apologize, but he won't pressure you to tell him. I have a feeling if you talk in really incoherent sentences when you're sad he would understand every word you say. He's also an excellent liar so he has the perfect excuse on hand for any questions asked about you)

This got bigger and bigger and eventually turned into headcanons lol. hope you enjoyed this week's chapter! 

~dreamer out 

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