Chapter One: Change

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A shrill ringing from an alarm clock made me wince. I covered my ears, sitting up and turning towards the sound. I got up, beginning to walk, but with each step I took, my nightstand moved further and further away. It felt like I was walking in place, and with each step the sound only grew louder. I moved my hand from my ear, extending it in an attempt to silence the shrill beeps. Suddenly the floor cracked loudly beneath my feet, and I gasped as it gave way. I tried to open my mouth to call for help, but nothing came out as darkness enveloped me.

Sal gasped as he woke, his mangled face damp with sweat. He panted for a few minutes, regaining his breath and registering reality. He silenced his alarm clock beside him before standing. These nightmares had been flaring up more often lately, and they were getting increasingly disturbing. Sal turned his head as he heard a soft grunt from his bed, his eyes meeting an angry Gizmo.

"Sorry buddy, didn't mean to wake you," Sal apologized with a chuckle.

He slipped off his tank top, putting on a Sanity's Fall t-shirt to replace it. He padded out of the room, walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Despite his heavily scarred and mangled face, it was still manageable. Sal looked up, his reflection staring back with piercing blue eyes. He readjusted his glass eye before running his hands through his hair. It was lightly tangled, but with a few brushes it was back to normal. He put his hair up into pigtails before leaving the bathroom and returning to his room.

It was still foggy outside. He had a habit of waking up too early. Sal slipped on a black jacket as well as his favorite maroon ripped jeans. He picked his prosthetic face from the wall, rubbing a thumb along the cheek of it.

With a sigh he brought it to his face, clipping it on and concealing the scars and rips of flesh beneath, a constant reminder of the day his mother died.

Sal poured oil into a pan, and as it heated up he chopped up two potatoes. The oil simmered as he gently dumped the chopped pieces into the pan, and with a flat wooden spatula he mixed them so the oil coated all sides. Gizmo emerged from his room, quickly padding over and circling Sals ankles. He meowed, looking up and expecting to be fed.

"Oh stop complaining, you still have kibble from dinner," Sal laughed, setting the spatula down.

He walked over to the sink, filling a cup with tap water. Oddly enough he preferred it over bottled. The blue haired boy unclipped the lower strap of his mask, lifting it enough to drink the water. He gulped it down, setting the empty cup into the sink. Sal wiped his mouth as water dribbled down his chin. He didn't get many chances to drink water at school, because usually he had to lift his mask up a lot farther than with food.

Soon enough the potatoes were golden and crispy, and Sal seasoned them with butter, salt, and pepper. He sat down at the table to eat, and Gizmo hopped up to sit next to his plate. Sal laughed softly, passing the orange tabby a few pieces. Gizmo purred as he ate them, and Sal quickly finished up breakfast.

Sal grabbed his blue side bag, swinging it over his shoulder. He usually would make his dad breakfast or say goodbye when he left for school, but Sal's dad had drunk too much last night and most likely had a bad hangover. It was a weekly occurrence- two times a week minimum. His dad mostly worked from home, so it didn't get in the way of his job.

Sal ran his fingers through Gizmo's thick fluffy fur before turning to leave. He walked down the apartment halls, turning to enter the elevator. He pressed a button, and was brought down to the lobby. He exited the elevator, walking down until he was at the exit. He flipped open his flip phone, shooting a text to Larry, his step-brother.

Hey dude, r u guys almost here? I'm in the lobby.

Yea. on our way dude Larry texted back.

They weren't the best with proper wording when it came to texting. Sal tapped his foot as he waited for his friends. He turned his head, pigtails swaying gently as the elevator dinged. Ashley and Todd walked out, chatting to each other. Sal waved to them. Ash had recently decided to dye streaks of her hair purple.

"Morning Sally," Ash called.

Sal felt his face heat up a bit. Last year he had a hardcore crush on Ash. It wasn't as strong anymore, but still there. Sal quickly tuned out of Ash and Todd's conversation- something about science. They glanced over to see Chug walking toward them. Chug and Sal quickly slipped into conversation about one of their favorite game- Clumpy.

"Dude, that game is way too hard, how'd you beat it?" Sal questioned.

"Natural talent," Chug replied, half joking.

Finally Larry walked over, and Sal began walking to meet him.

"Hi Sally face," Larry greeted.

"Lar, you're always the last one," Ash commented.

"I don't get how you guys get up so easily, sleeping in's way better," He replied.

The group of friends began walking to their bus stop, chatting amongst each other. Sal tuned out, looking down at his feet as they crunched in the thin layer of snow that coated the town of Nockfell. It was so peaceful in the mornings, it was almost hard to believe anything terrible could happen.

Their friend Maple joined them after a few minutes at the bus stop. She didn't live in the apartment complex. The same was true for Todd's boyfriend Niel, but he didn't take the bus.

"You guys wanna go ghost hunting later?" Sal asked.

"On the first day of school?" Todd asked.
"Well- after school I meant. I wonder if we can see Megan... they've all been so quiet lately," Sal murmured.

"We can try, but the last few times nothing happened," Ash pointed out.

Sal nodded, and the group soon continued having scattered conversations amongst themselves.
"Man, sophomore year already," Larry sighed.
"It's hard to believe," Maple murmured.

"I can't wait for next year when we can drive instead of walking to the bus stop everyday," Chug mentioned.

"I could drive us all in my moms van," Larry offered.

"You? Driving? Might as well dig a grave and jump in," Todd laughed.

The group continued joking and chatting as they neared the bus stop, snow falling down and blanketing the town of Nockfell.The group loaded into the bus, all heading for the back. They sat next to each other, all excitedly chattering about the new school year.

"Hopefully Travis leaves you alone. That kid seriously has a stick up his ass," Larry commented.

"Yeah. We'll beat him up for you if you need," Ash joked.

"Maybe he's changed," Sal replied.

"Yeah, I doubt it," Todd murmured.

Sal looked up as he spotted over bleached hair. He locked eyes with Travis, who scrunched up his nose in distaste before sitting down a few seats ahead of the group. Sal seemed to be the only one who noticed, and he sighed quietly. So much for change.

Authors note:

Thank you so much for reading!! I've been pouring my heart into this writing. Please comment any feedback, reactions, and suggestions! I'll try to be posting once a week! :3

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