Chapter Four: Headbanging

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"The Red-Eyed Demon," Todd announced.

Those words weren't good to hear. The Red-Eyed Demon took the form of black mist with piercing red eyes. Through their talks with Megan, they'd learned her father- Luke Holmes- had killed Megan and her mother and dumped their bodies in the lake. From what Megan told them about Luke, they had theorized the Red-Eyed Demon had convinced Luke to do what he did. The theory had laid dormant in the back of Sal's mind ever since the ghosts stopped showing up, but he didn't want to believe it.

"I guess that makes sense. Other than that, no idea," Ash replied.

"Can we get out of here? This place is creeping me out," Larry asked.

"Yeah, lets go," Sal agreed.

The group left the top floor, and after that parted ways to their apartments. Sal didn't want to deal with his probably hungover dad, so he went to Larry's apartment down in the basement.

Sal sat in his usual spot, the beanbag, in Larry's room. Larry switched his TV on and started playing a car racing game. He handed Sal a controller and the two began chatting as they played.

"Did you see Travis glaring at us in the lunchroom today?" Larry asked.

"Yup. I wouldn't say glaring, he was just...staring. Very angrily," Sal responded.

"Yeah that's what glaring is dude," Larry said with a chuckle.

"I have three classes with him," Sal added.

"Oh god. Was he an asshole?" Larry asked.

"Not really- hey!" Sal cut himself off as Larry hit his racecar with a shell in the videogame, and Larry snickered, "He mostly glared at me, no snarky comments."

"He better keep to himself or I'm gonna punch him," Larry replied.

"This is still way better than last year," Sal reminded Larry.

"For now. It's only the first day of school dude," Larry pointed out.

"Speaking of Travis- He's in two of my classes," Sal added.

"What?? Dude, this blows. Me and you don't even have a single class together- Travis is in one of my classes too, first period," Larry replied, annoyed.

"Don't let him get to you," Sal advised, turning his attention back to the game.

They were on the third lap of the track, with Larry in the lead and Sal just behind. Sal hit Larry with a red shell, taking the lead. He laughed as he won the race, and Larry groaned playfully.

"No fair," He complained.

"You're just mad that I'm better at it," Sal replied with a laugh.

"I'm gonna take a break and paint," Larry told Sal.

"Alrighty," Sal replied.

Larry loved to paint. One of the first things Sal had seen when he walked into Larry's room was the painting from a nightmare he'd had the first night he moveed- a gravestone of his mother with a dog sitting next to it. He'd never said anything to Larry, but from what he knew, Larry drew what he saw in dreams or around him. The gravestone didn't say the name of his mom or anything, but it was still the exact same tree, dog, everything else. Sal wasn't much of a painter, or artist for that matter. He did enjoy doodling on papers in his free time though. When Sal painted, it was like a direct outlet of emotion. Nonsense to most, the canvas splattered with rage, grief, or any other emotion he was feeling. It made Sal feel better and helped him express himself, so he didn't mind if it was deemed 'good' art. Larry always said it didn't matter if your art is stereotypically good, because true art conveys true emotion. It was one of the few poetic things Sal had ever heard him say.

Sal played the racing game solo f0r a bit as Larry painted. Sal eventually grew bored, and he turned the game off, turning his head to look at Larry.

"Whatcha drawin?" Sal asked.

"The bathroom where we saw Megan," Larry replied.

"Nine times out of ten you draw your dreams- why are you drawing the bathroom?" Sal asked.

"All that stuff with the ghosts and the Red-Eyed Demon made me feel like painting something related to it. I didn't want a painting of the Red-Eyed Demon staring at me while I slept,and portraits aren't my strong-suit, so I wanted to pick a place," Larry explained.

Sal nodded in agreement, but he wasn't sure Larry saw. The long haired guy was focused on the canvas, a pale blue paint tipped paintbrush in his hand. Sal zoned out, staring at the ceiling. His mind wandered, thinking about his day and the recent events. I wonder if dad's still hungover, he thought to himself. He hoped not. In the end it didn't matter all that much, he'd probably get drunk and repeat the process yet again tonight.

"Wanna listen to Sanity's Fall?" Larry asked suddenly.

Sanity's Fall was the twos favorite band. Larry had gotten Sal into heavy metal, and the two had bonded over it ever since. Sal enjoyed other genres too, but punk or metal were definitely his favorites. He enjoyed various other bands, The Front Bottoms, Gorillaz, The Dead Kennedys, and Slipknot to name a few.

Larry walked over to his jukebox, which was connected to a speaker. Larry's mom, Lisa, was out cleaning the hallways- she was the apartments janitor- so they could play the music as loud as they liked. Larry clicked on the music, and after a few moments of guitar buildup the song began to play.

"Concealed behind screens

An obsession obscene

Abandon our souls

As we become...


Social connection, social obsession

Network humanity converging with machinery.."

This song was the first one Larry had ever shown Sal, and since then he'd grown a love for everything punk and metal.

The nearly incomprehensible death metal song's lyrics filled the room, and Larry began headbanging. Given the fact that Sal's hair was in pigtails, headbanging was a bit more tricky. He mostly bobbed his head back and forth, but it was just as fun. As the song played Sal decided to undo his pigtails to get the full headbanging experience. Larry's long brown hair swung back and forth. He and Sal quickly got carried away. Sal almost got a headache from the loud music combined with headbanging, but he had grown used to it.

The two buckled straps on Sal's prosthetic suddenly became undone as he headbanged. Sal's eyes widened as a sudden crack filled the room. Sal looked up to see Larry turning down the music with a hand on the bridge of his nose, Sal's prosthetic by his feet.

Authors Notes:

Okay so I actually just finished Chapter Eleven LOL- So I'll probably post another part or true hehe. Hope you guys are enjoying the story, and as always make sure to comment and vote for it if you liked it ^w^

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