Chapter Two: Disgrace

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Travis looked up and was met with all too familiar blue hair and mask. He stared for a split second before scrunching up his nose and turning his head away. He sat at the nearest seat, scooting down to look out the window.

Sally Face. A name that had plagued his mind ever since freshman year. As the bus started driving, he noticed nobody had chosen to sit next to him despite the bus being semi-crowded.

It wasn't much of a surprise. Travis wasn't exactly nice, and on the off chance someone did try to be friendly with him he just pushed them away. In Sal's case, literally pushing him away. Travis was known as a bully throughout the school, his main target being Sal. Usually nothing too bad compared to most high school bullies- name calling, pushing, tripping, and occasionally punching.

The blond boy's mind wondered as he looked out the window. It was only August, but the leaves were painted golden and brown with fall, the snow slowly creeping in. After October, in Nockfell the snow usually piled up to the point school would cancel for a few days. Great for most students, but Travis would much rather be at school.

His reflection stared back at him, an ugly purple and yellow bruise painted along the boy's eye against his dark tan skin. The bruise almost matched his purple-pink woolen sweater, and Travis felt himself frown.

Before he knew it the bus pulled to a stop in front of the school after picking up several more students. Travis slid out of the bus's seat, slowly walking down the aisle. He could hear Sal's group murmuring behind him, but he did his best to ignore it. He made a beeline for the school's entrance, grabbing a crumpled schedule from his front shorts pocket. He shuffled out of the way of the halls to skim over his classes.

His first period was english. Travis didn't like it all that much, he was more interested in biology. He walked down the hall to his class. As he walked through the door, he decided to take a seat in the back corner. He pulled a pencil from his backpack, fiddling with it as he impatiently waited for the bell to ring.

His teacher was a woman in her 50's. The chalkboard told him her name was Ms. Martin. She had kind eyes and wispy gray hair, and she wore a pale blue dress with white flowers.

Travis squinted at the loud ringing of the schoolbell. He turned his attention to Ms. Martin, who began introducing herself and talking about some of the books they'd be reading this year. She was interrupted as a kid walked through the door.

"Sorry ma'am," He told her.

Travis frowned as he recognized Larry. Larry turned his head, locking eyes with an angry Travis. Larry frowned right back at him. The long haired boy wore baggy jeans and a black shirt with a demon cat on it. Travis groaned internally, looking away.

Travis's father had taught him for as long as he was alive to always avoid sinners, and Sal's group was full of them. Larry wore satanic symbols like it was a joke, Todd was gay, and all the others willingly hunted for demons or something- and none of them believed in god. They were a disgrace to humanity in Travis's eyes.

Travis watched as Larry sat in the back corner, the opposite side of Travis. He decided it was best to ignore him. Ms Martin continued talking about the class, and Travis turned his attention and thoughts back to class.

First period had dragged on, and Travis held back a groan as he prepared himself for a few more hours of nonstop talking from teachers. He glanced over at the teacher as he entered the class. She had small eyes, and was old. Her hair was thin and braided. There was something creepy about her, but Travis couldn't pin down what.

He turned to survey the class and find a seat, but his eyes were yet again met with blue hair. He felt his nose scrunch up as he realized the remaining seats were pretty close to the boy. Figures. Nobody would want to sit next to that freak.

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