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Once upon a time there was a princess named Lucy, her mother had died when she was at the age of 7. Ever since then, her father had changed to being cruel. The princess was locked inside the palace ever since she was borned, she has never seen the outside but she can only see them from the windows. She really wanted to go out of her palace someday to look around the kingdom.

Far far away deep in the forest lived a young fire dragon named Natsu who had lived with his father, King Of the Fire Dragon Igneel inside a tall tower where no one could find them. They have been hatred by the humans, that is why they hide in that tower. Natsu, has a special power that Igneel had thaught him, he can turn him self into a human, when ever Natsu turns into human form he would go to the kingdom where the princess lives. He has heard of the princess, he really wants to meet the princess but he knew the princess wouldn't want to see a commoner-human-formed dragon like Natsu himself.

It was July the 7th, Natsu went to kingdom to meet his friend, Gray he was also a dragon but he likes to live in the kingdom with his human form, he was the same age as Natsu 13. Unlike Natsu, he is an ice dragon so since ice and fire doesn't get along with each other, they would sometimes fight each other. Ice dragons aren't really common to other humans because they rarely show them selves to humans, but fire dragons like Natsu are common heard from humans due to history.

Gray was an ice seller in the town and sells ice for the palace.

"Oi Natsu what are you doing here?!" Gray shouted over to Natsu.

"Nothing much just looking around", Natsu replied.

"Give me a hand would ya?" Gray said.

Natsu goes to Gray and help him picking up some ice and put it in the carriage. But unfortunately, Natsu's hand are fire dragon hands so the ice melts.

"Oi flamebrain!! You just destroyed my ice!" Gray yelled..

"Well sorry ice stripper but my hands says no to your ice!" Natsu exclaimed in return.

"Who are you calling stripper?!" Gray shouted "look bellow you idiot!", as Gray looked down he was only wearing his boxers.

"AAACK!!" Gray yelped and went to find his missing attires, Natsu laughed his head off from what happened.

After a while Natsu heads back to the tower where he lives. When he arrived back home, Natsu's father, Igneel was nowhere to be seen, all he could see was Igneel's scarf on the floor.

He went to the kingdom to find Igneel but he couldn't find any traces of him. Suddenly, a blast of fire hit the palace, Natsu reacted because the palace was mention, there was a princess in there.

He turned into his dragon form and flew to the palace.

"Someone help meee!!" A little squeaky voice shouted fantly but luckily Natsu has dragon ears which he can hear from far distances, he flew to where the voice has come from and found a room which the fire has already been spreaded. There was a little girl crying on the bed shouting, "Someone help mee!!", Natsu lift her up and flew away to the tower where he had lived.

Ever since that day, everyone thought that Natsu was the one who did that incident.


Hope your keeping up with this story so far^^ enjoy the next chapters!!

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