Chapter: 3

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The next day...

Lucy slowly opened her eyes because of a very loud pig sound has invaded her ears, she looked ahead of her and saw a familiar pink headed perso- I mean dragon lying beside her holding onto her waist.

"Oi! Wake up you dimwitt! And take your hands off me!", Lucy screamed and slapped Natsu's face leaving a red mark on his cheek.

"Owh! what did you do that for Lucy??", Natsu asked rubbing his cheek. Who knew that a human Princess could take down the Almighty Son Of the King of The Fire Dragons hmm?

"Soo what do you want to do as your second day of your birthday Lucy~", Natsu said acting like a child. Lucy facepalmed

"Birthdays are only celebrated 1 day idiot", Lucy explained and Natsu made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"Well Imma make your birthday 2 days so it's more fun and makes you feel special," Natsu grins making Lucy blush slightly. "Uhm th-then lets go walk around the forest and camp there," Lucy stated slightly shaking. The two aggreed and made their out of the tower and into the forest.

Natsu and Lucy took a stroll to the bridge in the forest and around parts of the forest.

After they had looked around, they went to the place where Natsu brought Lucy when they met for the first time where there were frogs and fireflies.

"Ahh this place never gets old", Lucy sighed in relieved as she lies her head on to the grass looking up seeing the fireflies fly around in the air, Natsu joins in and lay down beside Lucy.

"This place is important to me", Lucy said

"Ehh? Why's that?", Natsu asked confused "because you brought me here when we first met, and ever since that this place is special," Lucy said as she turned to see the confused face of Natsu and she giggles.

"Moh you really have short memories don't you?" Lucy pinch his cheeks

"Ow! Lucy has become violent help mee!!," Natsu blurted pretending to be a damsel in distress and they both laughed.

"Well I'll call this place special too," Natsu stated.

Night time came, Lucy and Natsu decided to camp at that place. Natsu breaths out fire to the stack of logs making a campfire, "Hey Lucy look at this", Natsu made a fire heart from his hands and it flew over to Lucy's hand.

"Wow it's so beautiful!!", she exclaimed as she play her finger to the fire heart. Natsu touched it along with Lucy, then the fire heart shined brightly like gold. It then slowly getting back to its normal light and disappeared into air.

They two of them were shocked, they felt that something about that fire heart liked it when Natsu and Lucy holding it together.

"Did you feel that Natsu?" Lucy asked "Yeah I sure did", Natsu said while his eyes were still widened in shock.

"Waaahh I'm going to sleep earlier than you Natsu Oyasuminasai~", Lucy yawned and closed her eyes, drifted her self into sleep.

Natsu chuckles, he sat beside Lucy sleeping and carecased her cheek with his finger, he put one of her locks behind her ear.

"I'll always protect you Lucy, because you are my percious princess", he whispered in her ear, he lay down facing Lucy and stared at her sleeping. He leaned in closer and closer to Lucy's face and kissed her lips for a second.

I've finally have a chance to meet you, princess.


Yaaaaaasss!!!!! Soowwyy if its shoorrtt but its at least I can do, anndd i didnt reallyy wanna add tooo much things happening with this NaLu coz im following the relationship that Lucy has with Natsu in the manga and anime buuut i just add a little bit of the "lovey-dovey" inside of Natsu's personality and i realised that him+lovey dovey doesnt really match for him heehh


Anyways i doughnut own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima the great author owns it!!! Nyahahahahahah

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