Chapter: 1

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When Natsu arrived to the tower, he sets down the princess onto the bed still crying.

"Wh-who are you?" The princess asked her voice still cracked.

Natsu turned into his human form and walked towards the princess "I'm Natsu, Natsu Dragneel, I am a fire dragon. Please to meet you princess", he intruduced while bowing towards the princess. She then ran to Natsu crying.

"Th-thank you fo-for saving me, p-please don't use formalities I nevet got a chance to speak freely to anyone and j-just call me L-Lucy. I never wanted to become a princess from the beggining", she said trembling. Natsu caressed her back calming her down.

"Okay, Lucy."

After a while, Lucy had calmed down and became quiet, Natsu was sitting next to Lucy so if anything happens Natsu would make a move. Lucy crouches down looking at Natsu's fire pattern at the bottom of his coat, she stares in awe and Natsu chuckles.

"You like the pattern huh?" Lucy nodded.

"Look inside the wardrobe over there", Natsu directed, pointing towards the wardrobe near bedroom.

'Sigh, my perverted dad', Natsu thought.


"Natsu when you have a girlfriend or a wife, give her this dress I want to see her in it hehe", Igneel said with a smirk.

"But dad it's really unnecessary!" Natsu complained.

"It. Is. If you don't do it, wait for the worst to come", Igneel snapped making Natsu shiver.

~End of flashback~

She isn't exactly "my girlfriend" but she just likes the pattern. Natsu sighed with a hint of pink bursting from his cheeks.

Even as a kid, tsundere-ness can be born naturally.

Lucy walks over to the wardrobe and found her self a white sleeveless dress with fire pattern placed above of the ruffled bottom, and she found a pair of white sleeves with ruffeled ends from the elbow.

She gasps and jumped in happiness, she took the dress and put it on inside the wardrobe. After she finished, she goes out of the wardrobe and went to Natsu, he stared at her without a blink

"Why do I feel hot for some reason? Hotter than my flames", He thought.

"Natsu! Stop staring!" Lucy pouted with a hint of pink on her cheeks. Natsu snapped out of it and realised that he was staring at Lucy the whole time

"Wah! s-sorry!" He said in embarrassment.

Lucy sweatdrops and sighs, she looked over the window and stared at the sunset.

"This was my first time being out of the palace", she stated with a gentle tone.

"You want to see the outside world?" Natsu asks joining Lucy near the window, she nods.

"Well c'mon then", Natsu turns into his dragon form and Lucy gasps

"But what if other people see you?"

"Don't worry I won't get caught", he stated

"Hm.. Okay then! You better keep your promise!" Lucy says after she thought for a while. Natsu turned into his dragon form and told Lucy to get on his back.

"Here we go!" He shouted.

Natsu flies over the forests and goes down with high speed making Lucy screams with enthusiasm. Natsu then landed near a pond which has little frogs and fire flies were on around them.

"Wow I never see these before! This is my first time seeing these creatures and environment!" Lucy exclaims.

"Well I'm glad you like it", Natsu smiled.
"Thank you Natsu!", she thanked and smiled genuinely. Natsu watched Lucy as she played with frogs and chasing the fire flies.

"You are still a princess in my eyes, even if you're not trying".

Moments later, Lucy fell asleep near the pond after she played with the fireflies and frogs. Natsu picks her up and flew back to the tower and tucked her to bed and kissed her forhead "goodnight my princess", he muttered and Lucy moaned a little which made Natsu chuckled.

~Lucy's dream~

I was in the castle, it was 6 years back when I was 7. I was in my room playing with my little sister doll until I heard a thud from outside.

Mom! Mom!! MOM!! I screamed unstoppable, she was the cause of the thud. When i turn to my back there was a funeral, and there my mother's grave were crowded with friends and family. I cried. The moment I opened my eyes, I saw my father screaming angrily at me and I ran out of the house.

Lucy gasps as she jumped and sat down on the bed as she started to cry. Natsu was still awake in his human form, he was at the back of the door to where Lucy is sleeping, he could hear her sobbing.

"Mother... I've missed you... Father.... why have you become like this?" She muttered in her sobs.

"I want you back mom... I've missed you so much..." she muttered again with full emotion she has put in her words.

Natsu heard everything and he started to cry as well.

"Igneel... where are you?... where did you go?" He said in between his sobs, he walks over to Lucy and hugged her.

"Please don't cry anymore Lucy...", Natsu whispered as he came over to Lucy and hugged her, caressed her back to calm her down.

"N-Natsu? Why are you crying?" Lucy asked.

"My dad... he left me as well..." Natsu sobbed which made Lucy tear up even more.

"Don't cry Lucy..." Natsu said swiping his hands onto Lucy's cheeks. She looks up to Natsu's eyes that was shining from the tears he had poured down.

Natsu did the same as he looked down at Lucy's sparkling chocolate brown eyes from the moonlight.

"I promise I'll never make you cry again and that I will always stay by your side", Natsu says with consideration as he hugs Lucy.



Hope u like this chapter!!!

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