Chapter 1

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It's been 1,825 days since I've last seen him. Since I've even been in that town. I've missed it. I feel that ever since I've moved I haven't quite been the same person. But it's all coming back... We're back home.

My father got a job opportunity here that was surprisingly higher the pay. I say surprisingly because I wouldn't expect this kind of small town to have great pay deals.

"Honey, can you carry this inside?" My mother asked, holding out my suitcase. I step out of the car, inhaling deeply before nodding. "Yeah, sure." I walk over, grabbing the luggage. "Thanks, sweetheart." My father chimed, giving me a small smile.

Swiftly, I carried my suitcase over to the house, smiling as it still had the same appearance it retained five years ago. Slowly opening the door, I looked around. The coziness of the living room and kitchen still felt the same. The soft black drapes still hung on the windows in the living room, along with the same carpet on the hardwood floor.

My mother had always loved matching things. Ever since I was a child she'd make sure everything in my room coordinated with each other. If the walls were black, then the bed would be white, along with the dresser, desk, and a few other things. She'd pick colors that correspond well together.

Slowly, I walked up the stairs lugging the bag along with me. My knees felt weak, walking up these stairs; glancing around the wooden walls that used to be filled with family pictures. Pictures of me and Him.

I shake my head, rolling my eyes. He's probably forgotten about me. I'm being delusional, it's been five years. "God, get a grip..." I tell myself, slowly stepping onto the hardwood floor of the second story. Steadily, I walk toward what used to be my room.

As I open the door, my heart beats faster. A quiet squeaking sound came from the rusty hinges; "Gonna have to fix that." I muttered to myself, inspecting the door. Shaking my head, I push the door open fully. Suddenly, dust came flying into my face, causing me to cough up what felt like a fur ball.

"Oh lord." I mumbled, setting my suitcase down to the side. Looking around, I smile. The walls were an oak wood color, along with the hardwood floor as well. The windows gave me the perfect view of the neighborhood. A twin-size bed sat in the center, pushed up against the left wall. A closet on the other side of the room along with a bathroom next to it.

I walk around the bed, dragging my fingertips along the rough mattress. Chuckling, I look over at the window, watching my father bring in boxes. I open the windows, letting air into the room. "Mmm." I hummed, sticking my head out I gazed over the neighborhood, looking across the street I noticed something.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I lean closer, my hands on the window seal as I try to get a better look. It looked as if it was a party house. A huge warehouse, with at least twenty to thirty motorcycles. There was a mechanic shop right next door along with a tattoo parlor.

Suddenly, the sound of a knock filled my ears. I jumped slightly, holding my right hand up to my chest. "Oh, sorry." I turn to see my father nervously scratching the back of his neck. "It's fine. What's up?" I asked, closing the window and walking up to him.

In his hands were a few boxes that were labeled with different things. "Here, the top box has some of your stuff." He mumbled, gesturing to the box labeled 'Persephone's clothes'. Smiling, I grabbed the box and placed it on my bed. "Thank you." I nod, and he returns it swiftly turns on his heel, and leaves.

I sighed, closed the door, and leaned against it. "You can do this Persephone..." I remind myself, quickly standing up straight. As I walk over to the box, I tie my hair up into a messy bun. After a good minute or two of trying to open the box, I finally got the tape off and opened all the sides.

Clothes. Like it said, there was a bunch of clothes, along with hangers. And just like that, I grabbed all the hangers, laid them out on my bed and one by one took out the clothes. Shirts I put on hangers and laid them in a neat pile on the bed and with jeans, leggings, sweatpants, and shorts I folded them. Bra's and underwear I folded and laid them in their pile. Along with socks, they get their drawer.

Hastily, I grabbed the hangers moving across the room to the closet. I opened the doors, struggling slightly as I felt the weight of said hangers overcome me. Soon, they all hung in the closet, along with a drawer that was already in there. I put all my jeans and jean shorts in one drawer, sweatpants and leggings in another, and pj pants and shorts in one as well. Along with them, I put bras and underwear in one drawer together and socks in another.

I walked back over to my bed, letting out a huff of air, and laid on my back. Resting my hands on my stomach, I kept my gaze on the ceiling, my eyes becoming heavy as I stared... And Stared. Suddenly, my mother rushed in with a big smile on her face.

I shot up from my seat, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?" I question, my voice laced with confusion as to why she didn't knock. "Sorry, Persephone, I was just wondering if maybe... You'd go stop by Carol's bookstore? You know, see if it's still open?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Chuckling, I nod. "Sure, ma." I stood up, walking up to her. "Just let me change real quick." She nods, giving me a huge smile. "Thanks, sweetpea. I know we haven't lived here in so long, but I know how much you loved that woman." My mother reminded, gently rubbing my arm.

Nodding, I proceed to close the door when she leaves; walking over to my closet to change clothes. I take off my baggy sweatshirt and flimsy shorts, changing into a plain bra with a cute white buttoned cardigan and jean shorts. I quickly grabbed the shoes I wore earlier, sliding the Converes back on.

Hastily, I grabbed my phone, slid it into my back pocket, and rushed out of my room. Almost running down the stairs, I jumped on the last step before running out of the house. As I ran down the driveway, I passed my dad, waving him goodbye which left him with a few questions.

He wouldn't mind, Mom would most likely tell him where I'm going... I thought to myself, running down the street. The town was a good three-minute walk, so I got downtown in less than one. Looking around, I noticed not a lot of people were out today, and for it being a Sunday, that was a bit concerning.

Normally, everyone would be either at church, morning or afternoon or out going to lunch or shopping. I shake my head, "Don't get side tract..." I mumbled to myself, shifting my gaze around the buildings before my eyes finally settled on the small little bookstore.

Gasping, I smile. Suddenly, my feet ran in the direction. I didn't even realize I was moving my legs until I was standing in front of the store, my heart racing as I slowly opened it.

My eyes wandered over all the shelves of books, my breath catching in my throat as I looked around the store. This shop had at least two thousand books. Lord knows I've always had a knack for reading. It didn't matter what author or genre... I loved all sorts of books, but most of all I loved romance books.

They were always my favorite. Ever since I was a little girl to now. As my maturity level increased, so did the type of romance I read. Slowly, I walked around, gently dragging my fingertips along the spine of the books. My jaw slightly slacked as I glanced around in amazement. Suddenly, I heard a voice. One that I hadn't heard in a long time.


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