Chapter 4

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Shooting up out of my bed, eyes wide, heart racing, palms sweaty, panting heavily as I look around the room frantically.

"Oh, gosh..." I mumble, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.

Ever since I was a toddler, I'd have nightmares. They got progressively worse when I left. Whenever I didn't have nightmares was when I was awake, which is a given since I'm an insomniac.

Placing my hands on the bed, I learned my weight on them. Looking down, I noticed how my pj's started to ride up my thighs and stomach. A grim look took over my face as I pulled my shirt down to cover my belly. I groan, turning on my side.

Sleeping was overrated anyway.

I looked over at my phone, tapping it twice to have the screen turn on. 2:27am. "Great." Rolling onto my stomach, I let out a huff of air.

My heart was racing, palms sweaty as I continue to toss and turn, restlessly.

My parents were mad when they found out I had insomnia. They used to think I was faking just so that way I wouldn't have to sleep. After a few weeks of barely any sleep and a butt load of complaining, my mother finally took me to a doctor and we learned I do have Insomnia. I had to start taking these pills for it, barely worked but I did it to please my parents.

Asa used to sleep over a lot, and when he did, he'd always cuddle into my side and stroke my hair so I'd have a better chance at falling asleep. Sometimes, it worked. Those were the only times I actually got a good nights rest. Some ended in nightmares, but he'd cuddle me again and tell me everything will be alright. Other times, I slept through the night perfectly fine.

When I moved to Texas, the insomnia got worse. That's probably my fault because I stopped taking the pills out of a protest. I wanted to punish my parents for taking me away from the town I grew up in, the town I loved very dearly. I stopped eating a few days at a time, lying to my parents and telling them I was 'fasting'. I'd go weeks without eating, if I ate anything it'd be water and chewing gum. (Of course I didn't eat the chewing gum, but you get the picture.) Eventually it got worse and my parents quickly caught on. I became an anorexic. Now, I have to take medicine for it.

A hoarse yell escaped my lips and into my pillow, my body beginning to tremble. My heart clenched as I attempted to control my breathing. Sweat dripping down my face as I sit up. I felt flush and hot, annoyingly hot. Throwing my blanket off my body, I leap for my phone; panicking.

Tears started to blur my vision as I tried to open the phone. Once I finally opened it, I quickly went to contacts. I kept scrolling and scrolling, but I couldn't find his name.

Groaning, I quickly went to search and type in his number that I had memorized from years ago. After typing, I found myself looking at his name.

Letting out I shaky breath, I clicked the call button.

It rang twice before he answered. "Hello..?" His voice was rough, groggy... Raspy.

My heart skipped a beat, my breathing heavy. I didn't reply, I couldn't. My body kept trembling as I look around my room frantically.

Suddenly, I heard it. "Persi?"

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I suck in a breath. "Y.. Yes?" I whisper, my voice shaking.

He sighed, the sound of blankets moving over the phone. "Sweetheart, why are you up so late?" He asked, his raspy voice seemed to have softened.

"I... I didn't..." I sighed, tears staining my cheeks as I tried to control myself. "Are you crying?" He asked, his tone sounding more worried.

"No." He scoffed. "Don't lie to me, Persi. It never goes well for you." He mutters, his voice now cold. "I... I had a nightmare... I'm panicking." I whisper, leaning against my headboard.

Sighing, he shifted over the phone. "Persi... You have to calm down.I know you." He whispered, trailing off. "Remember how we used to treat your nightmares and insomnia?" He asked, which caused me to blush a bit as I wiped my cheeks. "Yes."

"Okay, good... So just think about that and calm your breathing. Along with your heart rate. I remember how much it raced when you couldn't breathe."

Nodding, I sighed, rubbing my eyes. Slowly, I inhale and exhale, my body listening to his voice as he spoke. "I'm sorry I woke you." Letting out a shaky breath, I turn onto my side. "Don't be... You needed help." He sounds apologetic, his breathing ragged over the phone.

Looking up at my ceiling, I quickly replied, "I missed you, by!" Out of panic and hung up.

Groaning, I threw my phone across my bed, hastily covering my face up with my hands. Soon, I turned on to my stomach and tried to go back to sleep.


She missed me.

Persephone missed me. I wanted to call her back and tell her I missed her as well, but I decided that wouldn't be the best idea as of right now.

My breathing ragged as I felt a tender sensation spread across my lower abdomen. Growling out of frustration, I threw my phone across the room and stood up. I couldn't think. I needed to let off steam.

Swiftly, I grab my workout clothes from my dresser and changed before slowly heading downstairs. Men were passed out drunk in the living room and kitchen, some still making out with a few sluts. I gag in disgust, I want them out. All of them. Need everyone out of this fucking house. Need my father back, need my dad back.

I jogged down the stairs to the basement, opening the door before slamming it shut. The impact rattled nearby objects. "Fuck!" Yelling, I punch the punching bag that was a few feet away from me.

My heart raced as I kept punching it over and over again. Anger and pain pouring into my punches as I felt the material of the bag break against my knuckles. Sweat drips down the sided of my face as I continuously punch the bag, over and over again. Until finally, it snaps. It drops to the floor. The hook had broken from the impact of the punches.

"Shit..." I mumble, looking down noticing the hole in the bag. Stuffing, grains, sand and other things spilling out of the hole.

My father is gonna kick my ass... I think to myself as I rub the back of my neck. Sighing, I roll my eyes and walk over to the water cooler we keep in the back.

Taking a bottle, I snap the cap open and down it in a minute. My breath starts to quicken as I think, my thoughts running back to her. A small smile on my face as I lean against the wall.

Thinking about her and that stupid smile that always made me giddy. I know I shouldn't obsess over this girl, hell, I haven't seen her in five damn years, but I can't help myself. I used to know everything about her, but it's most likely all changed now since she's older. She probably thinks I hate her seeing as I didn't fulfill my promise, but I have an excuse. It might not cut it, but I can't change whats already been put into place.

I missed her, in every way you could miss a person. She always knew how to calm me, how to make me laugh when I was upset, she knew me like the back of her hand. She was my best friend. Persephone is the type of girl who's wild. You never know what she'll do. She makes you do things without realizing it and does the stupidest things sometimes. She made me happy every time I saw her.

I glance down at my arms and glare at the small cuts around my wrists and forearms. She'd kill me if she saw these. That thought playing on repeat throughout the last five years. I knew I screwed up the first time I did this, but it became addictive.

A small smile formed on my lips as I knew, tomorrow I'd get to see her again. Whether we talk or not, I'd still get to see her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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