IGot The Bluez

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As the boys were walking along the path following the Sargent as he started making them sing military songs(aka Jodie's)."I LEFT MY HOME!"the Sargent sang violently"I LEFT My HOME!"The boys sang along still not knowing where they were going where they were going."TO JOIN THE ARMY"He sang again making a left turn."TO JOIN THE ARMY"the sang along.I CAME ALONG WAY FROM HOME,I CANT STOP TILL IM FREE"he said finally stopping at an area with loads of wooden houses and a concrete house at the end of all of them."These are your dorms,you are not allowed to leave them without permission or go into someone else's dorm,also you all will be assigned roommates"he said facing the boys."If all of you are comfortable with the rules let us go to the showers"he said as they started heading forward.Damn can't believe I'll be stuck with a couple of other dudes for 6 months,I miss my PC and my phone and my room he thought to himself as he sighed."Really dude,no ladies here if you don't count the receptionist because she really ain't packing the goods,if you get what I'm saying"a boy with black hair a narvana t shirt and wearing geans."yeah I get what you mean"he said scratching his chin."So did you have a girl were you were from,my name's hunter by the way"he asked bringing his hand forward for a handshake."Uhm I don't have one,but I'm just waiting for the right girl"he said still walking forward with the others.Before hunter could speak,the Sargent stopped and alerted them that had arrived at the showers which were not that far from the dorms In the forest."Now,today  you shall begin your first exercise"he said pulling on a string when a banner appeared."PAIN IS JOY"they all read out loud looking at the banner."Yes,this is the motto for the first lesson and it shall be one of 50 exercises you are going to experience,do we have that clear"he said as they responded,"Yes sir"."So now all of you enter the showers now"he said pointing at the entrance of the showers.They all entered and the doors closed shut.They were locked in and the doors weren't opening.To make matters worse the lights weren't working."All of you take,off your clothes"the Sargent said from the other side of the door."What the fuck man,Is this some kind of bringing your sick fantasy to reality,because I ain't doing non of that"A boy in the room said. Ronin was also pissed off and didn't understand what the hell was going on."If you do not want to follow orders,then you will be removed from the program and go back to your old miserable life,you came here to change now follow my orders or else" he said in an angry tone.The boys were hesitant but they started to take off their clothes.As soon as they did that cold water started to come from the ceiling.Most of the boys shuttered as the water felt as if it was below 0°degrees.Ronin still confused,tried to open the door,but it was locked."Damn it"he said not knowing what to do.

After what seemed like forever the lights turned on and the boys all heard a voice from what seemed to be a speaker above them."All of you are trapped in here and if you don't find a way to escape you'll die"the voice said before the speaker turned off.They all couldn't believe their ears.It was all a trap,a set up,Ronin felt even more pissed off."Hunter"ronin called to the boy"Yeyeyeyeah dude"he said shivering "I have a plan,let's use our clothes for fire, somebody in this room has to have a lighter"he said as he checked the other boys pockets."I do,names William"said an overweight boy with brown hair as he took the matches from his pockets and gave it too him."And by the way isn't the fire gonna be burned out by the water"said William."Yeah,I forgot about that"said ronin slapping his face because he was being stupid."But wait broes with my axel spray that I keep on me all the time we can probably open the door"hunter said while taking out his axel spray The other boys were panicking and some seemed to have even passed out.So they lit the match as they used their bodies as protection from the water as they used the spray,the fire almost seemed to be burning out but it was still flaming and as the door lock seemed to melt the door opened.The water stopped and instead a green gas came out the ceiling making the boys pass out.What the heck was Ronin's final thought as the world turned to black.

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