Haha Loser

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It was 6:00pm
After the boys separated and headed to their own dorms.Hunter was left feeling a sudden aggravation because of that stupid bully.If this place didn't have camera's all over he would have put him in his place.But he quickly shaked of the thoughts and took some deep breaths as he headed to his room.He opened his door to see his room mate Rocky.He was a light skinned Jamaica kid with an afro and he was pretty chill,only problem though is that he seemed to be having an issue with addiction as he some how managed to get weed in the camp and hid it under the bed."Sup bro,crazy day am i right"he said as he starting lighting a cigarette."Bro you know that shits killing you inside right and I think its not allowed here Hunter said in a serious
tone."Bruh don't kill my vibe like that,and they didn't even say smoking was not allowed,you need to relax here"Rocky said as he passed him the blunt."Whatever dude,im tellin you,you need to quit that shit because it ain't healthy"he said as he put his hands down.Hunter was exhausted
he didn't want to deal with this so he ate his diner and started doing some pushups in the middle of the room as is roommate headed to bed."41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49 and 50"he said as he breathed heavily and collapsed on the floor.This really is my new home he thought to himself as he stood up and drank some water from the fridge."Wait what day is it anyway"he said as he realized he's lost count of time.He walked out his dorm and just looked at the moon."Huh,it's 7:00pm"he said in a nonchalant tone.He remembered how him and his little sister would play outside at night while their parents fought.He tried his best to hide it from it but it only backfired in his face.

It was back when he was ten
My dad and my mom were yelling at eachother his sister woke up when they were having another fight and she found them in the living room .They began telling her to go back to bed
and she asked why they were fighting.They didn't say anything and went back to fighting.When it was morning she was gone and not in her room.We started panicking because the back door was open and we found her doll on the floor and a paper that had a drawing of what seemed to be a women and a man fighting.And and hour later we got a call that said she was hit by a truck on the street and the truck driver had fled the scene because the truck seemed to be vacant and it was found by people early in the morning.When we went to the hospital it was too late,she was gone and I couldn't save her.Me and my parents fought even more and they decided to get a divorce.While they seemed to forget about me,i was depressed and decided to start smoking and hang around with the wrong crowd.And when somebody got shot I decided to quit that kind of life forever.But here I can change things for myself he thought.
Hopefuly I can start a new life and make a living for myself one day he thought sighing and then looking back at the moon."I hope your happy wherever you are Claire"he said as a strong wind blew past him and make him enter his dorm room because it was so cold.As he entered his door room he realized that his roommate had fallen asleep with a blunt in his mouth.I really should tell the councilors that he's smoking in the dorm rooms,but somebody's gonna find out
sooner or later"he said as he entered his bed and fell asleep.

William was heading back to his room when he suddenly came across the big guy that bullied them earlier.Aka his roommate,aka Levy Green.
He wondered what that type of guy was doing in this this place anyway,a boot camp would suite him better.William thought to himself as he glared at the guy while he was also heading to their dorm room.Suddenly he looked back and an evil grin started forming on his face."Oh hey fatso,I see that your alone,but your not worth the effort fatso,your weak and pathetic"he said with a sinister tone.William wanted to cry but instead he created a fighting stance.Seeming to be wanting to fight Levy."So you wanna fight me fatso,not a chance,I'm afraid you'll fall over"he said as he started laughing at him.William took the chance as he saw he was distracted and took a swing at him.He was able to hit him on the nose and he started bleeding."Wow you can actually hit,how about we see if you can take one"he said as he started making fast punches to William's face until he hit him in the gut and he fell back and passed out.Levy smirked at this and headed to his dorm knowing that nobody had seen him as they couldn't see as it was really dark outside.

It was 9:00 pm
Jerry was on his station as he was on his nightwatch feeling extremely bored because nothing interesting was going on.Suddenly he caught 2 people fighting on the screen a fat kid and a tall boy that had taken a hit to the face.He watched as the tall kid charge at the boy with a handful of blows to the face and suddenly the gut and the fat kid blacked out.Jerry quickly called security and told them to go to the dorms as there seemed there was an unconscious kid that was attacked.Security lifted the boy up and took the boy to the medical room.Luckly he only had minor injuries.All the members were alerted by the sudden incident and they wanted to find out who did this.But sadly the camera was at angle at which
They couldn't see the boys face because they were really far and they were in a really dark area.And they seemed to be only shadowy silhouettes on the screen.So they decide to ask William who the violater was."So kid are you gonna tell us"Conner said to the boy looking mad because he couldn't go get his sleep.William looked like he was contemplating whether he should tell them or not because he feared he might come for revenge."It was Levy Green"he said finally making up his mind."So that boy again"said Mr Rose."This is gonna cause quite alot of problems"said Roger looking like he was thinking about something."So Joe what do you propose we do?, since your in charge when the bosses are gone"Conner asked looking at him in his eyes."I suggest we put the boy under our watch,we have to have ears and eyes where ever he goes,so I propose we use young William here as our spy"said Joe pointing at William on the bed."Me sir?"asked William confused."Yes that could work"said Mrs Jenny ."So from starting today,you William are our spy"said Conner having a mischievous grin on his face.And William did not like the thought of being other people's rat.

When William finally left the building and was escorted to his building,they had gave him a tiny microphone for his ear and a voice recorder
.When William entered his room,he found that
Levy had fallen asleep which was good,so he made some food and headed to bed wondering how tomorrow would go out.

5:00 am
The boys had been awoken by that loud ass microphone and been told to head to the showers.They were now used to the cold water as there bodies became stronger.After they came out of the showers they had fallen into what seemed to be some kind of trap that was hidden on the ground.All piled up on eachother,
someone decided to break wind."You people are disgusting"said a voice in the group of boys on the floor.Someone suddenly showed up on top of the hole they were in."Seems like you boys are enjoying yourselves"said Conner as he looked down on them."Today your exercise will be about team bonding,and this time it'll be a little bit more harder"he said as he started laughing hysterically like a maniac.What the hell is it this time they all thought as they started being freaked out because of his laugh."Boys get your swim suits,because we're going to Miami beach"he said making sure all the animals heard."Really!"they all shouted."No,we're going to the camp lake instead"he quickly said as he heard their groans of sorrow and left."How are we supposed to leave this hole"someone in the group of boys asked as the sounds echoed in the forest.

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