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The boys came back as quickly as they left,William and Hunter wanted to go to their friend and tell him about their situation and maybe apologize for leaving him behind.As they entered his room they found him sleeping,they decided to leave his room and go somewhere else as they didn't want to disturb him.Ronin wasn't really sleeping,he just acted like he was  because he really wasn't in the mood to talk to his friends.Ronin contemplated his life as the scene back at the girls camp kept playing a thousand times in his mind and he started
overthinking.Suddenly the door opened and he couldn't see who it was properly and so he thought it was Devonte.He turned the otherside and began heading back to dream land where nobody but his nightmares could hurt him.Back in the main building the councillors were busy discussing the recent events and the next challenge."Conner you out to be more careful next time,we should have even left the kid alone,what did you except to happen"said Roger seeming to scold him."I recognized my fault and see that i should have done something else but as someone once said sometimes you win and sometimes you learn,anyway let us not overlook that the boy had entered enemy territory and lucky was freed"he said as he took a deep breath."Wowza he really did have to go to that place of all places,they call us stuck up but at least we aren't sexist"said Jenny complaining."Yeah I do agree with you,but they have somehow managed to get camp of the year,and they also plan of on winning this year"Rose said as she began having terrible flash backs of them rubbing it in her face."But i do have a great hope in the boys of this year,deep down I know for a certain that they will be the ones bringing home the trophies"said Joe as he put his fist high."Let's hope so, anyway Rose,what will you be having for us this time?"asked Conner remembering the spectacular challange she did last year."Ha,look who's asking,like always my challange will be unlike any other challange in Goldstruck history"she said putting her chest forward and her head high.

When Ronin woke up he had to confront his friends as he wanted to know why they had left him behind."Hey dude,we were worried about you,so how was your day off?"Hunter asked trying to sweet talk his friend."My day was fine,so why did you guys leave without me"Ronin asked in a very deep and serious voice."Aham about that, remember when you hit Dexter in the face and almost gave him a concession and when you threw William in the cold water..."Hunter said as he looked at his friend and he suddenly looked shocked.Ronin felt like a piece of trash and even a more terrible friend."I'm sorry"he said looking very empathetic as he realized he was in the wrong.They excepted his apology and even told him to apologize to Dexter later.And just like that they were back to normal."So you drank milkshakes,got to go to a water park and even got your own hotel rooms with your own appliances,that's so cool I wish I could have went with you you guys"he said as he started wondering what it would have been like."It wasn't all that good,those massages got me stiff and Levy and his gang kept trying to kick us out of the pool"said William as he tried to make his friend feel included."Anyway what where you doing here dude?"asked Hunter as he looked at his friend as his demeanor changed."I just exercised abit,sat out side and did some bird watching"he said not wanting them to know the truth."That's nice,so now that you won your first challange,it's only a matter of time before me and William leave you in the dust"Hunter said feeling very pumped."No way,you guys will be eating my dust and I'll even get to send a letter when I reach the top"he said as they all started to laugh.A loud alarm started crying out as it made the boys protect their ears as it was beeping louder that an emergency alarm."Dear Boys tomorrow morning you all shall be competing with a special group of people,get ready,this time your opponents will chrush you while your down"a female voice said.


"So they want to compete,my my I'm getting excited just thinking of seeing them cry out for help"said a feminine voice in a dark area."Relax May,your not the only one that wants to have some fun"said another feminine voice."They don't even know what their getting into,will surely teach them a lesson they won't ever forget"May said as she looked at the camp from afar."Camp Goldstruck,prepare to be boarded by  Camp Athena"the other voice said as they disappeared in the night.The old lady that had met Ronin wondered why the same camp that had sworn to never touch each other's land now want to start a war.Their Camp would surely win.But what would be the motive behind this she thought as she turned of her lights and headed to bed.

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