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Ronin and his group were currently getting escorted to the hospital as the fire fighters tried to defeat th stubborn flames.The girls also went to their seperate ambulances as they couldn't all fit in the vehicle.Atleast everybody was safe,he thought to himself as he got in the back of the ambulance and they vroomed of to they hospital,each boy was sent to seperate rooms for a checkup.Everybody was shockingly fine.After being checked  all the boys were sent to a room somwhere in the middle of nowhere in a rosey warehouse.Suddenly the doors to only exit were closed and the boys were left in uncomfortable darkness.A single light bulb light bove them and a man wearing black glasses with a black denim jacket appeared. They were and now all looking at them praying there organs weren't about to be sold to the mafia."Do any of you know who started the fire early this evening?"he asked,but he only heared crickets begin to sing."Hmm,quit perculir,if all of you dont want to speak then,Camp Goldstruck will be sued and all of you will go back to your miserable and sad lives"he said with venom in his voice.William stood up."I think i know who it is"he said looking rapidlg across the boys.Rocky was layed back and thought he couldn't truly know what had happened."Speak then"the man said as he began chewing his match stick like a camel eating some grass."I was walking on my own in the woods looking for enemies when i suddenly got startled by something,the sound resembled dripping water"he said still looking around at each boy.Oh shit,Rocky thought."I got scared so i threw a smoke bomb,I saw a figure begin to run and....."he paused."And?"everybody said as their eyes wanted to leave their skulls."And it was Rocky"he said quickly as he pointed a finger at the boy."WHAT!your lying"Rocky said snapping back at William in defence."The jig is up Rocky,tell the trueth"Hunter said looking at his roommate.Rocky only looked in the opposite direction with his aura screaming i don't wanna talk right now."Well young man i see you dont want to speak,then all of you here will have to tell your parents to pay the damage done,which will be about 20 thousand each"the policeman said as he stood up and took his leave."Ok I'll speak"Rocky said  not wanting his parents to get into more debt than they their already in."I was smoking,when someone threw a smoke bomb and i got startled"he said with tears and regret in his eyes."Well young man,guess we'll have to arrest you,isnt that right Mr Stone"the man said looking at a mirror making everybody raise their eyebrows."Yes indeed"like something out of a fantasy movie,a figure popled out ofthe darkness revealing an old man wearing a very stylish suit."Good evening everyone,I am the co founder of Camp Goldstruck and i am not very happy with what you have did young man,what would be the best punishment for a person such as yourself?"Mr Stone asked still with a smile  of a toddler on his face.Dont i know this guy,Ronin thought but left the thought alone.Rocky wasnt feeling like the best human being on earth as his head was down not wanting to face the man."You either either leave Camp Goldstruck,OR...."he said as his expression turned to ice, creating a cold silence."You can change your ways and be apart of my new camp"he said with a grinning ear to ear.Rocky and everybody in the room were still registering the information they just heared."NEW CAMP!"they all yelled making the detective cover his ears."Yes indeed,I wanted to move out that camp anyway"Mr Stone said making the boys wonder what it must be like to have that much spending power.There were definitely gonna be some changes around here,Ronin thought as the door out the warehousee opended revealing the peaceful night sky."Now boys dont keep me waiting"the man said as he pulled up his white limo.Ronin wondered how he got out so fast and wondered if the man could teach him to move like that.

Pain Is Joyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें