Chapter 3

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We was downstairs watching reruns of love and hip hop and I suddenly felt the urge to ask Jaheim a question .

' Hey Jaheim

'' Mam ,he said in his sexy husky voice.

'Why did you get so mad when he was beating on me?

''Well my daddy always told me not to ever lay hands on woman and besides he treated my mom like a princess and made her feel like a queen and I guess im trying to do the same for you if you are willing to let me .

' Well we have to see about that and I wanna thank you and your mom for everything your doing.

''Enough chit chat lets go to bed its getting pretty late.

'Yea I agree I said getting up

"Its a guest right across from my room so you should sleep cozy in there , c you in the morning he said leaning in a kissing me on my cheek.

Jaheim POV

Now that I know what was bothering her I am so happy that I am here to help get through this trial in her life.

2 hours later....... 2am Friday morning

I got up to go adjust the air conditioner because it was a little cold In the house and I hate being too cold while im sleep. When I was headed back to my room I decided to check on Jas , when I softly opened the doori could see her head popup as if she was startled by my sudden presence lol.

'Jas what are you doing up this late?

''I don't know I just cant stop thinking about tonight.

' well it's all over and you safe at my house so don't worry about it and get some sleep.

"Well can you stay in here with me until I fall asleep

'Sure slide over I said as I was getting in the bed and wrapping my arms around her

Instantly after about 10 minutes I heard her light snores. I tried to get out of bed with her quietly as possible but she woke up and grabbed my arm so I just stayed and went to sleep as well.

Tasha POV

Today me and Rick was having breakfast I was hoping the kids would join us so I went into Jaheim's room and he was not there . So next I went to the guess room where Jas was sleeping and they were both there in bed sound asleep. So I went over and tapped Jaheim's shoulder and he woke up instantly he's just like his father it doesn't take much for them to wake up .

'yall didn't have sex in my house did yall? I asked

"Lol ma no we didn't have sex in your house she got scared and I comforted her .

'Okay well get up because your dad is coming over and we are having breakfast

"O word that's what's sup but we have a big French test today at school I forgot

'Well get her up and I will do her makeup to cover up that bruise but hurry your dad will be in a minute me I have to get breakfast done .

"Yes mam


After we got up and got ready we were off to school ,Tasha did my makeup and now you cant really see the bruise on my face.

Me and Jaheim was headed out the door and we was greeted by this good looking man maybe in his thirtys or something .

"Wassup pops Jaheim said

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