Chapter 1

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Transylvania was alive, ghosts and phantoms stirring up friendly frights, the werewolves howling and yapping as the vampires feasted and drank wine glasses of blood. Halloween, the beloved holiday of Transylvania, was approaching, meaning everyone was alive with the dark spirit. Dracula was always one to throw parties at his castle on these nights, and everyone was expected to be there. Even Sodo, his grandson, but the ghoul was no where to be seen.

"I don't think we should be doing this..." the young, blonde haired witch said timidly.

"Why? Every female- or male, in Transylvania would resell their soul for a night with me." Sodo growled into her ear as he held her against the wall of the private bedroom. The witch blushed, making Sodo smirk. His clawed fingers grabbed the hem of her Victorian styled black dress, pulling it up her thighs.

"Just relax..." He purred, pressing a chast kiss to her jaw. The witch sighed softly, relaxing against the wall and his touch. Sodo's mouth watered as he saw the slight pulse at her neck, thinking about the fresh blood rushing through her veins. He pooled her skirt around her waist, looking down at her stocking clad legs. He chuckled deeply, seeing she didn't have knickers on.

"Naughty little witch." He purred out, watching her practically melt beneath his words. He retracted his claws on one hand and reached down, slowly teasing her clit with the tip of his thumb. She whimpered softly.

"Oh- Mr. Dracula..." She whined out.

"Sodo. None of that Mister shit." He said sternly. The witch nodded softly.

"I'm Nyx." She whispered.

"Nyx. How precious." He cooed, a bit of sarcasm in his voice that slipped right past the flustered girl. She bucked her hips against him, making him growl. "Settle down, Missy." She swallowed before nodding. Sodo's fingers slipped further down, rubbing over her wet entrance before pushing two fingers in slowly. She gasped and squirmed a bit, letting out a small whimper. Sodo hummed softly, nuzzling his face against her neck and grazing his fangs teasingly over her pulse.

"You are a work of art." He whispered into her ear, grinning as he felt her clench around his fingers. "So young and fresh and... tasty." The last word rolled off his tongue like fire. She gasped, her eyes widening in fear as she opened her mouth to scream but Sodo's fangs had already connected to her throat, biting down harshly. She made a choked off noise as her eyes rolled back.

Sodo bit harder, hearing the satisfying cracking and tears of the meat and muscles of her neck tearing before he pulled back, tearing off a chunk of her neck with it. Blood gasp from the wound her body already fixing to give out. Sodo pulled her close, blood staining his black button up shirt and pants, as well as the knee length cape. Her eyes flashed once more as her life left her body, collapsing against Sodo. He growled possessively, leaning back in and drinking her blood, moaning at the heavenly taste.

His red eyes flew open as he listened to the party growing louder in his grandfather's castle. He sucked and drank her blood quickly, pulling away and licking his bloodied lips. Footsteps were coming down the hallway. He laid the dead witch down on the floor before lifting his cape.

When he dropped it, he was standing at the edge of the haunted forest that overlooked the castle. He smirked to himself before looking down at his fingers. They were still wet with the witch's juices from when he was pleasuring her. He raised them to his lips and sucked them clean before walking casually down the hill and going to a water trough by the stables, rinsing his face off before casually strolling over to the ghostly black coach with four phantom black  horses attached to it.

"I'm ready to go home." Sodo spoke to his driver before climbing into the back of the coach, settling down on the blood red plush seats, his red eyes glaring out through the veiling of the coach. He watched the castle and haunted figures pouring in and out, skeletons rising from the graveyards they past to go and join the party of spooks and monsters. Sodo looked at the moon before leaning back against his seat, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply, tints of the witch's blood still against his black clothen. 

The coach pulled up to his mansion half an hour later and Sodo stepped out, giving a dismissed wave to the goblin driving it. The coach disappeared around the mansion, going to the stables. Sodo let out a sigh as he climbed a few steps.

"Good evening, master." The skeleton faces on the door knockers sang. Sodo dismissed with with a growl and an eye roll as two phantom's opened the two heavy oak doors.

"Welcome back, master." They hissed with bows of their heads.

"Off with you." Sodo snapped, the two phantom's vanishing into thin air. Sodo walked through the open floor to the stairs, climbing them swiftly, claws gliding over the shined wood and shoes silent on the red carpet. He walked down the hallway to his room before stepping in and twisting the locks.

"Master." A black she-cat meowed. "You must have feasted tonight." She spoke, perched on the windowsill, grooming her paws and ears.

"Yes, Salem, I did. She was quite oblivious. The stupid ones always taste the best." He chuckled, reaching out and running his clawed hand gently down the cats back and tail, the black cat purring.

"A witch." The cat spat, jumping down the windowsill to the carpeted red floor. "They reek." She growled before disappearing out the little cat opening installed on the bottom of his door.

Sodo rolled his eyes before unclipping his cape and piling it on a heap on the floor. The rest of his clothes ended up there within moments. He stepped into the bathroom and turned the tap on in the bathtub, allowing it to fill up. He swirled his finger tips in the water, making it even hotter then before with his powers.

Once it was filled, he scooted down into it, the tip of his spade tail draping over the side as he closed his eyes, allowing the water to soak up the blood on his arms and chest, careful that his blood hair wasn't getting wet. He then opened his eyes and stared out the window that faced one of the human villages about 30 miles out. His mind pondered over the thought of saddling up one of his bat horses and flying over the town, terrifying the villagers. He even found himself grinning at the idea, but sleep was beckoning him. He washed himself up and wrapped himself in a black robe, walking back into his bedroom. Sunrise was starting to crest and he yawned before shutting the curtains and climbing into bed after taking his robe off. His claws strummed boredly against the mattress before he shifted and closed his eyes, allowing sleep to overtake him.

Dracula's Grandson ~ Sodo GhoulWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt