Chapter 6

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Mallory woke up to the feeling off strong arms wrapped around her waist. She opened her eyes and turned her head enough to glimpse the ghoul that had her back firmly to his chest. She grabbed the edge of the bed, attempting to pull herself forward and out of Sodo's grasp. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Sodo hummed sleepily. 

"Let go of me." Mallory snapped. Sodo growled into her ear before possessively nosing against her throat where her scent gland would have been if she was a ghoul. 

"I'm not letting go till I'm good and ready too, darling." Sodo smirked, pressing a teasing kiss to the skin. Mallory attempted to move her upper body away, removing his mouth from her neck. 

"You're impossible." Sodo huffed. Mallory scowled at him. 

"Good." She snapped. Sodo rolled his eyes, rolling onto his back and yawning softly. There was a knock at the door and a scrawny, middle-aged female vampire entered, carrying a tray of food. 

"Oh, master. I didn't know... would you like me to get a tray for the Mistress?" She spoke softly. 

"Uh, yes Dusk, would you please?" Sodo nodded, smirking subtly when he seen the glare on Mallory's face when Dusk referred to her as 'Mistress'. Dusk nodded before putting the breakfast tray on his dresser, bowing her head and walking out the door, shutting it softly. 

"Better get used to it, sweetheart." Sodo chuckled, reaching over and untying the rope from Mallory's wrist. 

"Stop calling me that stuff." She glowered, pulling her freed wrist away from him. 

"What stuff?" He gave her a teasing grin as he turned the handle on the oil lamp, allowing firelight to flicker and dance across his bedroom walls. 

"Those names. Sweetheart, darling. I'm not your sweetheart." She spat. 

"Whatever you say... Mistress." He smirked as he climbed out of bed and walked over to his dresser, grabbing the coffee and taking a sip. 

"I hate you!" She retorted. 

"And I love you. Funny how that works, isn't it, dear?" He chuckled, knowing he was getting under her skin. 

"Now, tonight there is going to be a ball held at Count Dracula's castle. You're going with me as my fiancé, understand? I'm going to have the best tailors and hairstylists come in and make you my beautiful, little star." Sodo smiled proudly, stepping close to her. 

"I'm not going to some ball with you." She laughed sarcastically. 

"You go, you get rewarded. You don't, you get the consequences. Make up your mind." Sodo shrugged. His eyes flicked over her form as she moved out of bed, his eyes taking in her body in her black nightgown. 

"What consequences?" She asked carefully. 

"Disobey and find out." Sodo chuckled. He walked over to her and cupped her face, pricking his index finger claws into her skin to keep her from pulling away. 

"Tonight, you are going to be my gorgeous, terrifying and spooky bride. Transylvania will practically be kissing the ground you walk on, my darling. And oh, how amazing it will be to see it." He purred, his tail wrapping around her waist gently. She gazed up into his eyes, meeting his fierce look with her own. 

"My little devil princess." He whispered before leaning down and pressing his lips firmly against hers. He kissed her softly, smirking and tightening his tail around her waist as he felt her slowly start to kiss him back. He pulled her closer, his tongue flicking against her bottom lip. He slowly pulled away, a string of spit momentarily connecting them before it broke, falling down Mallory's chin. Sodo wiped it away with his thumb. 

"I want you to eat and grow back your strength." He said softly. She nodded, swallowing thickly. 

"Why did my rib heal so quickly?" She finally asked. Sodo tilted his head in confusion, before he did realize she was acting like it had never broke. 

"Hm... that's odd. I've never had that happen before." He said, pressing delicately on her rib through her skimpy nightgown. 

"I'm going to have the doctor check on you. Just in case. I've never heard of that every happening." He nodded, a hint of worry on his face. Mallory shifted uncomfortably on her feet. 

"I don't like doctors." She muttered. 

"Ah, he's more of a witch doctor, really. Doesn't use most traditional methods. I've seen the wonders he can do. It's amazing." Sodo chuckled, slowly stepping away from her. 

"I think I want your gown to be black for later on. You look so... ravishing in black. Like it's made for your body." Mallory glared at him. 

"What if I don't want it to be black?" She challenged. 

"Then, maybe we'll find something we can both agree on." She frowned at his words. She hadn't expected him to give in like that. 

"O-Oh... okay." She nodded. Sodo grinned, knowing he caught her off guard. 

"Don't seem so shook, darling. I'm not a complete controlling asshole. I just want my future wife to be the star of the show." Sodo flashed her a toothy grin before taking a bit of his toast and bloody jam. He couldn't tell if she was blushing with anger or if she was flustered by his comment.

 He finished his breakfast before dressing, changing into a plain black button up and pants. 

"Why do you always wear black?" She glanced at him. 

"Dracula custom. It's plain and simple but it speaks power. Darkness. Especially as a Dracula." Sodo nodded as she sat down on the edge of the bed. He opened his mouth to speak before someone knocked and Dusk stepped in with another food tray. 

"Cook made a human friendly breakfast." She bowed, setting it down and taking Sodo's empty tray before leaving. Mallory stood up and walked over to it, eyeing the food as she nudged at it with the fork. 

"It's not going to jump up and come alive, darling." He chuckled, stepping behind her and peering over her shoulder. 

"You don't know." She whispered. 

"I do know. I requested special food be bought from human villages and brought in here, just for you, my love." He purred, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her cheek, even though she tried to lean away. 

"What happens when I say I don't love you back?" She soon said quietly. 

"It doesn't matter. I still love you, and you are still mine. Therefore, I don't care what you think of me." He shrugged. 

"And what made you suddenly fall in love with me, even though you've only known me for a day?" She asked, putting the fork down and turning to face him. 

"Mallory... I can't answer that. I just... when I saw you..." He started before shaking his head. "I don't know. I truly don't know. But I do know, this is Lucifer's destiny. And I will fulfill it." Sodo nodded firmly. 

"And if I also don't worship Satan?" She tilted her head. 

"I don't care what god or power you worship. As long as you find happiness in it, I'm glad for you." He smiled, cupping her chin and leaning closer. 

"And what if I tried running away?" She whispered. 

"Then I'll bring you back and if you do it again, I'll just bring you back. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Mal." He whispered, his face extremely close to his. She flinched, making Sodo pull back. 

"Don't call me that." She swallowed a lump in her throat. Sodo's head tilted. "Only my father was allowed to call me Mal." She nodded firmly. 

"Ah, I see. Well then, Mallory, I'll respect your wishes. I know how important and sacred family can be." He nodded with understanding. 

"Thank you." She breathed out. 

"You're welcome, my little vampire." He smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. She turned her back toward him again, letting out a loud exhale. 

"Better hurry up and eat. The tailor will be here soon." Sodo sing-songed before grabbing a hairbrush and starting to brush out his long, blonde hair.   

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