Chapter 2

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Mallory Circe let out a grunt, her fingers shaking and bleeding slightly as she struggled to lift up the back of the wagon out of the ditch for the hundredth time. She was a traveler and when her horse got spooked by a bat, it bolted and landed the wagon in the ditch. The horse that was tied to the tree up ahead grazed without a care in the world, his tail swishing at flies. Mallory sighed, her dark brown hair falling out from the low ponytail she had it tied back in. She looked up at the darkening sky, biting her lower lip before back at the gelding who had raised his head to look at her. They had been there all day long trying to get the wagon out, but it was obvious it wasn't budging. Mallory sighed before walking over to the horse. 

"There should be a town about 10 miles from here. I think this road leads to it." She spoke, untying the horse and fumbling with the tack on him. She took of the harness and replaced it with a saddle and bridle before swinging up onto the Belgian's back. She nudged him with her heels, turning him onto the road and settling back to the long ride. She cast one glance back to the wagon, knowing most of the stuff if not the whole wagon would most likely be stolen by the time she came back with help, but she shrugged. Oh well. 

They were still riding along when night fell and Mallory grew uneasy, hearing wolfish howls in the woods.  The gelding started prancing and pulling at the bit, letting out uneasy snorts. Mallory's stomach turned, knowing the horse knew something she didn't. 

"Easy buddy." She whispered, stroking his neck. The howls were getting louder, meaning they were most likely getting closer. The horse ducked his head forward, kicking his front legs out and moving into a canter. Mallory loosened the reins and allowed him to canter, wanting out of the dense forest just as much as he did. It was a mistake. The barking and howling got louder and finally Mallory turned her head, seeing a pack of werewolves in the distance emerging from the trees. 

She kicked the gelding's sides and grabbed onto his mane as the horse bolted forward, his heavy hooves pounding the ground. Mallory didn't even realize she had started crying till she felt a tear drop down onto her hand. The draft horse was no match for the werewolves and within minutes they were nipping at the horses' hooves, making the horse whinny out in terror. He threw out a harsh buck, sending his rider forward. 

Mallory shrieked as she hit the ground, landing on her back. Her mind was foggy and blurry as she shot up, crying out as a searing pain went through her side. She started running, unaware of where she was going but within seconds, furry claws went around her and slammed her to the ground. The pack of werewolves surrounded her, snapping their jaws and drooling, some growling and panting. She let out a sob of fear, hugging herself as she stared up into the eyes of death. 

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