Chapter 8

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Sodo chuckled at Mallory's expression.

"It's breathtaking, isn't it?" He whispers into her ear.

"It's... it's big. Wow." She nodded, her eyes trained onto the castle. The carriage pulls up to the front doors and the door to the carriage is opened. Sodo steps out first before reaching in for Mallory's hand and helps her down. All eyes fall on them as she slips her arm around Sodo's, practically tripping over herself as she pressed close to Sodo, her eyes looking fearfully over the creatures around her. The door are wide open, allowing them to walk right inside. Sodo casts her a reassuring smile as he leads her inside.

"Don't worry darling, no one is going to fucking touch you without my permission." He purrs into her ear. She nods wearily as she allows him to lead her on. Her eyes catch the stare of a vampire, his face weathered but wise looking. His glare is on the two off them as he sits at a table at the far end of the room, others dining around him. Sodo lifts his chin up as he walks over to the vampire.

"Grandfather." Sodo dips his head respectfully as he approachs the table. Mallory follows his lead, dipping her head before meeting the vampire's eyes again.

"Who's this?" Dracula says, his eyes sweeping over Mallory with a hint of disgust.

"My bride, Mallory, grandfather. Isn't she beautiful? She'll make splendid offspring." Sodo smiles, looking from Mallory to Dracula.

"I suppose... but... she's human." Dracula scoffed.

"If I wanted my kits to be purebred, I would have chosen a ghuleh." Sodo stated plainly. Dracula sighs with a nod.

"Well, your choice I suppose." The vampire nods stiffly. Mallory took a moment to glance around, her heart racing as she saw hundreds of pairs of eyes on her. She wasn't sure if she could do this. She attempted to pull away from Sodo, but he kept his hand tight on her wrist.

"Why don't we go get a drink, hm?" He suggests, eyeing her carefully. She nodded softly. Sodo lead her off, his thumb rubbing her wrist soothingly.

"I can sense your panic. Calm down, girl." He spoke softly into her ear.

"I-I can't do this." She whispered, trying to slink away as a horrifying figure of half rotten flesh walked past, the side of his face gone, revealing bone and his eye. She glanced away, raising her hand to press against her lips to stifle a gag. Sodo eyed her carefully.

"Maybe... maybe it was too early to bring you out." He breathed out, an irritated frown on his face.

"Sodo, everything alright?" Ifrit's voice rang out and soon the ghoul appeared at Sodo's side, a slightly taller one standing beside Ifrit.

"Oh, yes, everything's fine. Mallory, I want you to meet the eldest brother, Alpha." Sodo said, thankful to distract her. Her chocolate eyes flicked over to the ghoul, an uneasy smile on her lips. Alpha took her hand and softly kissed her knuckles.

"Is this all of them?" She managed out.

"Yup. Just us three boys. Now, let's go get some refreshments, yea?" Sodo suggested again. Mallory nodded and Sodo pulled her towards the table, Ifrit and Alpha following. Mallory's heart sunk at the sight. She swallowed thickly, bile rising in her throat. She stopped instantly, her eyes flicking over the glass punch bowls full of a thick, red liquid that she knew instantly was blood. Plates and platters of simply horrifying foods also laid on the table.

"S-Sodo." She spoke harshly. Sodo glanced at her, seeing her cheeks pale.

"Mallory, what's wrong? Are you sick?" He tilted his head, putting his hand to her forehead, deeming her to not have a fever. She shook her head, yanking her hand away from his grip. His eyes followed her, his lips pressing into a thin line. She quickly grabbed her skirts and ran towards the large door they had entered, trying like hell to avoid touching anything or anyone. Sodo stole a glance to Dracula, noting his seething look. Sodo calmly made his way the exit and stepped outside before inhaling her scent and following the trail around the corner to find her puking into the bushes.

"Oh, violet." He whispered, rushing over and grabbing her loose hair just incase. She flinched and instantly backed up away from him.

"G-Get away from me!" She choked out.

"I'm sorry. I... I didn't think you would have a problem here... just, calm down, darling. We're going to go home." He said calmly, stepping forward. Her chin quivered, her eyes glued to Sodo.

"Shh, violet. Mallory, darling, you are okay. I promise." He whisper, stepping closer until he could gently brush his fingers over hers.

"Let's just go home instead of waiting for the carriage, alright?" He said softly, pulling her against him as he reached for his cape. She didn't say anything and just closed her eyes as he lifted it up and when he dropped it, they were standing in his bathroom at his mansion.

"Let's get all this makeup and paint off." He sighed, spinning her around and untying her corsest. He then turned the tub water on and allowed it to fill up with warm water. He then continued helping her undress, despite her soft words of not needing help. He helped her into the tub before sitting down beside her outside of it, his eyes on her face.

"I'm sorry, again. I just... I really need you to be able to come out in public with me." He sighed quietly. "I... I didn't know how squeamish you were. Next time–"

"There is no next time. I'm going to pack my shit up and I'm leaving. Not you, not your brothers or your creepy grandfather are going to stop me." She snapped, her eyes flashing.

"Mallory, stop. You know you aren't leaving." Sodo growled, a flash of annoyance on his face.

"Watch me." She challenged. Sodo pressed his lips into a thin line, sitting back to think over her words. He was too lost in thought and didn't see her hands reaching out towards him until it was too late. He yelped before his head was thrusted underwater. He let out a shout, losing all of the oxygen in his lungs. Half of his body hung out of the tub as Mallory kept a firm grip on his head, desperate to keep him underwater. He thrashed and shook himself, trying to push Mallory off of him. Finally, his claws found her thighs and he squeezed, digging his claws into the skin. He felt her flinch and try to pull away, but he kept his grip. He was suddenly released and thrown out of the tub, hitting the hard floor. Mallory attempted to bolt out of the tub, but Sodo's tail wrapped around her ankle, bringing her crashing down onto the floor.

"Now, that is exactly what we are not going to do!" He shouted, his red eyes flashing. She struggled for purchase as Sodo grabbed a towel and tossed it on her body. He reached up and grabbed her by the neck, making her freeze.

"I thought we were going to do this the simple way, but Mallory, you are pushing me too far." He growled, his hair hanging wetly over his shoulders and face. She quivered, her eyes looking fearfully into his.

"You're fucking lucky that... that I'm not like the others, Mallory. You are fucking lucky." He spat, pushing her away. "You're lucky I know how to treat a woman, even one that tried to fucking drown me. If you did that to anyone else, they would have slit your throat and be drinking your blood right now." He panted, slowly standing up and towering over her. "Now, get up." He instructed calmly. She slowly stood up, careful to keep her distance. Sodo looked down at the floor, allowing her to wrap the towel around herself.

"Okay, now that we have that settled." He growled, stepping around her and opening the bathroom door and stepping into his bedroom as he started unbuttoning his shirt after taking off the cape and jacket. He settled at the edge of the bed in front of a standing mirror before looking into the bathroom were Mallory still stood.

"Come here." He instructed sternly. She took a dew hesitate steps forward before she stood in front of him. He spun her around and pulled her down onto his lap. He sighed, running his claws up her bare arms.

"Mallory, I'm trying to care for you. To keep you safe, but that... that was unacceptable on so many levels." He sighed. Mallory swallowed nervously. "I'm not going to sugar coat it; I'm pissed. Extremely pissed, but I'm not going to hurt you." He said, running his hand up and down her arms, leaving goosebumps in his wake. 

"If you're not going to hurt me, what are you going to do?" She whispered. 

"I'm... not sure yet. I don't think I trust myself to give you the punishment you deserve. I'm going to talk Salem tomorrow. You'll go and help in the kitchen, washing dishes. That should give you time to rethink your actions." He spoke calmly. "Now, go get dressed." He purred into her ear, giving her thigh a soft pat to move her off his lap. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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