Chapter 5

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Mallory's eyes fluttered open as she let out a yawn. She stretched, feeling only a slight sting in her ribs. She sat up slowly, almost experiencing no pain. She furrowed her eyebrows, visibly confused. She glanced at the clock, seeing she only slept for about 8 2hours. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, meaning the whole country of Transylvania was deep in their slumbers, for the most part. She slowly moved out of bed, glancing at her well worn and raggedy clothes that she wore. She lifted her shirt up and saw a bandage across her torso, most likely to maybe help keep her ribs secure? She didn't know. She wasn't smart when it came to medical. She stepped over to the full length mirror and saw what an absolute mess she was in. She did know she was most likely fit for travel now, and with the town asleep, she could most likely easily slip out. Her only worry was Sodo could go out during the day, he just choose not too.

She stepped over to the door and twisted the handle, only for it to be locked. She let out a gasp, realizing the ghoul locked her in the room.

"That low down bastard!" She spat, looking over to the window. She threw the curtains open and frowned, squinting as the bright light filled her room. She looked down and her heart dropped as the ground was at least 15 below her. She couldn't escape through the window. The only source down to the ground was jumping or climbing down the poison ivy that littered the wall, which she wasn't that desperate to do climb down poison ivy. It would be hours before anyone would come by her room, and she had no clue what to do. Her best bet was to possibly find something she could pick the lock with. 

Mallory glanced around the room, her eyes falling on another two doors. She genuinely assumed one was a closet and the other a bathroom. She pulled open the door closest to the window and was met with a large bathroom. She looked around inside, not finding a damned thing that could help her. The next was a closet, just as she suspected. She stepped inside of the small space, her hands feeling around the walls. If she really was in such a big mansion as Sodo had told her, there had to be some sort of secret passage or secret servant stairways. Her heart hammered in her chest as her fingers brushed over a small knob. She pushed and pulled against it, biting her lip in concentration. 

She stepped back as her eyes widen, the door slid open, revealing a very dark passageway. She gulped nervously before going back to her nightstand and grabbing an oil lamp and lighting it with a match. She stepped into the passageway and followed it carefully, avoiding large cobwebs and horrifyingly big spiders that made her want to scream. The passage took a sharp right before descending down a few steps. She took it, letting out a yelp as her foot slipped forward and she stretched her hands out to the wall, trying to stop herself from slipping. The glass oil lamp shattered in her hands, hot oil running down her hand onto the slippery floor, causing her to moan out in pain. She was submerged into complete darkness, and she bolted forward, her only instinct was to get out of the horrible passageway. She gasped as her foot tripped over a stair and she fell forward. She steadied herself by landing on her hands before quickly standing up and rushing forward, her hands outstretched as she hoped it would soon end. Suddenly, the walls fell away from her and she realized she was in an intersection. She wanted to sob but a slithering, horrifying hissing and slimy squelching on the floor revealed to her that she wasn't alone. 

"Damn this house!" She spat, trying to push her fear away as she took a right and jogged down the dark hallway, spitting and yelping as she hit a few dust webs and cobwebs. Her eyes widened as she felt a wooden panel in front of her. It was thin, like the one in her room she had been locked in, so she knew it was her escape out. She felt around for another knob but groaned in frustration when there was nothing that she could find with her fingers. She took a few steps by before turning towards the door with her uninjured side, tensing up before lunging forward. The wood shattered and splintered around Mallory as she fell through it, then wait seemed to be clothing before hitting the floor with a harsh thump inside a dark room. 

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