Like your FATHER (UwU ver.)✨

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Dear Child,

I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I'm sorry for running away. i know my sorries can't fix anything neither i can. Your mother loved me but in return i couldn't give her anything. She was that window which pained but still i used to keep it open cuz the pain was so beautiful. She calmed my beasts and fought with my demons. She had that prettiest smile compared to anyone. Even if there was thousands of people in crowd i could still recognise her. She claimed my soul. I clearly used to hate rains as it just gives me nothing but stabs on my heart. But now look what she did to me after she left i started loving rains as it waa her  favourite. The rain now gives me an unknown calmness. Whenever it pours on my cold body i don't know why it feels like she's pouring into me. It feels like she's the rain calming me again. The little rain drops falling on the ground sounds like her giggles. The cold yet peaceful wind blowing beneath my hair feels like her soft hands. caressing me. Whenever i look at the grey gloomy sky it feels like her eyes looking and piercing through my soul taking my demons away. But still when she was my everything i still failed to held her hand. I still failed to stop her from going away. And i still failed to look at you. Please forgive me my child but its only good for you to live away from me. You were gonna had to suffer like me if i stayed. I'm still a coward honey i didn't even look at you for once cuz i just couldn't. I knew if i look into your for even once i won't be ever able to leave you. I was so famous like i was everything that people dreamed for but they never ever dared to fight with my beasts while your mother even though she's gone but still she is always in my heart and mind. Just a glimpse of her memory take my beasts away as even they are also too weak for her. I know by now you have grown up. You must be so beautiful like your mother.

But if you ever can please forgive your father. Even though i don't have the right to be called as your father. But still it won't stop me from loving you either just remember that I'm still breathing because of you. Who knows if you ever try to find me and come here then slap me for whatever i did to all of you. I will gladly accept whatever you ask for me to do as my punishment my child. I'm waiting just to see you i know I'm  selfish compared to how I'm leaving you here all alone. But i will be able to atleast face your mother to tell her thar i saw our child grown up and so strong now. And ask her to forgive me only if she can........

Your Father,


Its not good for health to always read unholy stuffs so its just a thing for you gois to waste your time on. And idk if its my period mood swings i suddenly feel romantic and sad so i wrote this DUH!

Do you gois want pt.2?........

Those brats who thought "Omo~ Author posted another smut story omo~"-

Those brats who thought "Omo~ Author posted another smut story omo~"-

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