The Headache.

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The first thing Freya noticed was the sound of fighting and someone running. The second was the incessant pounding in the back of her head.

It took more strength that she had at the moment to open her eyes or move, taking a while to regain consciousness.

She heard some calling her name as her hearing came and went. "Miss. Lebonair? Can you hear me? Are you okay?" She recognized the voice belonging to Derek. Not being able to respond back at the moment, she felt arms under her legs and arms lifting her off the ground. Her head resting on a hard chest that she guess was Derek.

Finally taking one hard deep breath regaining some strength, Faye reached her hand up to feel the back of her head where most of the pain was. Feeling something cold soak her fingers. She felt the cut on the back of her head from the lockers. Her movements alerting Derek that she regained consciousness.

"Your awake." Derek said.

"Ugh yea" Faye mumbled back not moving her head of his chest.

"Just a second, I'm taking you outside the paramedics are going to want to look at you."

"What the bloody hell happened?" Faye finally asked looking up at the man carrying.

Derek seemed lost for words as there eyes finally met. Her unique violet eye clashing with his emerald green. Taking longer than normal to respond he said " the Axe Murder following us caught up and knocked you out. We fought him off but he got away." Not taking his eyes off her Derek lingered on axe murder since her annoying habit of using it towards him.
"Stiles called his dad and the police are here along with an ambulance"

Faye went to go say something in response when the paramedic interrupted the moment between the pair.

"Hi you must be the lady that got knocked out. You can place her on the bed sir and I'll check you out." The older lady said.

Doing exactly that Derek stayed beside them, something wouldn't let him leave till he knew she was okay. He was mad when he saw her get hurt, feeling very protective over the girl. His thoughts always seemed to travel back to her since meeting her and her sent made him restless.

Faye not realizing Derek was still standing there started answering the ladies questions.

"Can you tell me your name hun?" The lady asked as she used a light checking her eyes.

"Freya Grace Lebonair" she replied nonchalantly.

"Good, Freya I'm going to check the back of your head now but can you please tell me what you remember from the accident?" She responded as she moved around the bed and started moving her hair to look at the cut.

Just as she asked the question Sheriff Stilinski came over saying "Looks like I made perfect timing, I was just about to ask this young lady."

Faye looked to the sheriff as she answered "I was working late trying to catch up on marking and planning lectures when I heard a door slamming. I was the last person in the building and thought I locked the doors so I went to go investigate. That's when I came across your son and his friends and the other two men, I thought they were breaking in so I confronted them and then I remember someone shouting and nothing. I woke up being carried outside by Mr.Hale."

"Did you see your attacker, Freya?"

"No I didn't see anyone."She answered honestly

"Okay well get some rest young lady and if you do remember anything please just come down to the station. Thank you miss" Sheriff Stilinski walked away.

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