Chapter 11

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Saying I was nervous wasn't enough, I was way more than just nervous. Something had gone badly..very bad for me.

You see, our mission was to assassinate a child trafficking. But, it was obvious that we couldn't go with our headbands or in my case, my mask. They will know right away we are ninjas if we do so. And that wasn't a option.

So here I am, seeing how team 7 takes out there headbands to proceed with the plan. And now they were waiting for me. Waiting for me to take my mask off. I gave them a look through my mask that obviously said 'Not in a million years!' but Kakashi sigh and said, "don't make it harder fox, we now your an ANBU and you can't show your face but this is a mission." Said Kakashi kinda glaring at me, then something come through my mind. I knew that maybe it wasn't the best place or even moment to say it but..he use to be an ANBU, so he should understand right? I guessed that the rest of team 7 except me didn't knew about it so I didn't mention it.

"..No.." I said crossing my arms. "Stop whining fox! We have to complete this mission no matter what" said Sasuke with a 'tch' at the end. "Yeah, just think about those children that that man is sealing like if they were objects! Don't you feel bad?" Sakura said trying to convince me, then an idea cross my mind again. Still with my arms cross I look up at the sky and sigh. 'If I hide my whiskers and try to change my eyes color to red like Kurama's maybe I can fake it' I already had my hair painted white so they wouldn't recognize me even more, so I turn around and took off my mask.

I could feel them. The eyes staring at my back. It remained me of when we were trying to see Kakashi's face but he just play dumb and had another mask on. So why should I give them the pleasure to see my face? Well I shouldn't, even if it's not their fault about the whole kakashi face prank it still counted. So I took of my mask but then started walking to where we were supposed to enter. A "hey wait, let us see!" Came from Sakura as I enter the small village where the man was located.

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