Unexpected Feelings

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room where Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter found themselves alone. They had been assigned to work together on a Ministry project, a situation neither had anticipated.

As they sorted through old documents and parchment, their shoulders brushed occasionally, and tension filled the room. The air was charged with memories of their tumultuous school days, but something had changed since then.

Harry, unable to ignore the elephant in the room, finally spoke. "You know, Draco, I never thought we'd end up working together like this."

Draco, his silver eyes meeting Harry's green ones, nodded. "Nor did I, Potter. Our history is... complicated."

Harry let out a wry chuckle. "Complicated is an understatement."

Silence settled between them once more, but it was a different kind of silence, pregnant with unspoken words and feelings.

Draco cleared his throat. "Potter, I never got the chance to apologize for everything I did back then. I was young, foolish, and under my family's influence."

Harry regarded him with a softness in his eyes. "I know, Draco. We've all made mistakes. I can't pretend I was perfect either."

The admission hung in the air, a bridge between their past and their present. It was then that Draco did something unexpected. He reached out and touched Harry's hand, his fingers brushing against Harry's skin.

Harry's heart raced as their eyes locked, and in that moment, the tension gave way to something else, something neither of them had expected. The room seemed to shrink around them as they moved closer, their lips meeting in a tentative, electrifying kiss.

It was a kiss that spoke of regrets and possibilities, of the past and the future. As they pulled away, both of them were breathless.

Draco whispered, "I never thought this would happen."

Harry smiled, his hand still entwined with Draco's. "Sometimes, unexpected things can be the best things."

And so, in that room filled with history and secrets, Draco and Harry discovered a new chapter in their lives, one where old animosities could be replaced by something far more powerful—unexpected feelings of warmth and attraction that promised to rewrite their story in ways they had never imagined.

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