A Change of Heart

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Once bitter enemies, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter found themselves reluctantly working together at the Ministry of Magic years after the war had ended. The past had left scars, but time had a way of healing even the deepest wounds.

One rainy afternoon, they were stuck in the same small office, tasked with sorting through piles of paperwork. The silence was stifling until Harry decided to break it.

"Draco, do you ever think about our school days? All the rivalry and animosity?"

Draco looked up, surprise in his gray eyes. "Occasionally," he admitted, his voice softening. "It's hard not to when it's brought up like this."

Harry nodded, his gaze distant. "I used to hate you, you know. Thought you were the worst person in the world."

A small smile tugged at Draco's lips. "The feeling was mutual, Potter."

They both chuckled, and a rare moment of camaraderie settled between them. The rain outside intensified, drumming on the windowpane.

As they continued working, Harry couldn't shake the thought that maybe they could move beyond their shared history of conflict. "You've changed, Draco."

Draco's gaze met Harry's, and for a moment, there was vulnerability in his expression. "So have you, Potter."

The next day, Harry invited Draco for a drink after work. Surprisingly, Draco accepted. They met at a quiet pub, away from the prying eyes of their colleagues. The dimly lit atmosphere provided a sense of privacy.

Over glasses of firewhiskey, they talked about everything from Quidditch to their aspirations for the future. Harry shared stories about his adventures, and Draco spoke of the challenges he faced as a reformed Death Eater trying to make amends.

As the night wore on, their shoulders relaxed, and old grudges seemed less important. The rain had stopped, leaving a glistening sheen on the cobblestone streets.

When it was time to leave, Harry walked Draco to the door, feeling a strange mix of emotions. "Draco, would you consider...being friends?"

Draco hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I think I'd like that, Harry."

And so, an unexpected friendship blossomed from the ruins of their past animosity. They discovered common ground and mutual understanding, proving that sometimes, even the most bitter of enemies could find redemption and connection.

Years later, at a quiet gathering with friends, Harry and Draco shared a secret smile across the room. The rain, which had once symbolized their turbulent history, had now become a reminder of the day they began to heal old wounds and forge a bond that defied their past.

The end.

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