Walk Like An Egyptian Pt. 1

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"Season three of Total Drama, folks! The world is gonna be mine, sea to shining sea! Sadly I'm forced to share my world with a three-ring traveling teen freak show!" A bus pulls up behind Chris McLean, as he continues to talk.

"They'll be competing all around the globe for another one million dollars!" he grins.

"So let's meet our players." The first few teens come out, "Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna!" Introducing them. Gwen accidentally bumps into Heather.

"Are there reserved seating? I.E. can't have one behind Heather's pony-hair ponytail?" She makes a jab at the once bald headed mean girl in front of her. "Um, my extensions are human hair!" Heather folds her arms.

"You learn something new everyday." Duncan adds in, to which Gwen giggles at. He smirks, pissing off his girlfriend, Courtney.

"Lindsay!" Chris suddenly shouts, moving on from that whole hot mess, the blonde comes down from the bus. Blowing a kiss.

"Owen, DJ, and Harold!" He has his eyes shut, waiting for the boys to come out.

"Hey! Oh! Ah!" Owen grunts, he comes out with DJ bear hugging him from behind.

"Sweet Strawberry preserves! No!" The big guy yells out. "He's afraid of flying remember?" DJ speaks for him, walking with Owen away from the bus to let others come out.

"Aerophobia, from the Latin, as apposed to Aeronausiphobia, the fear of air sickness." Harold tells everyone his nerdy information,

"Keep up the fascinating facts and I'm going to be Aeronauseous all over you." Noah threatens.

"And returning favorites: Noah, Cody and-"

"Yo, yo, yo! This years winner is in the house- Uh, bus. I mean runway! Where's the plane, eh?" Ezekial announces himself.

"I know right? Let's fly! Whoo!" Izzy pops out, jumping onto Ezekial's shoulders. "Watch out! Ooh!" They both fall to the ground. "Yep Izzy's back. Also returning this season, Tyler and the co-host of Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette." Both the athletes trip and fall over Izzy and Ezekial who still laid on the ground from falling themselves. "

Yo, Chris, you forgot to introduce me." Ezekiel raises his hand, Chris sighs. "And Ezekial."

"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding three new competitors. He's an honor-roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species; Alejandro!" The good looking Hispanic teen struts down the steps of the bus.

"Perhaps I can assist." He helps up Izzy and Bridgette. "Wow-whee." Izzy dreamily says. "I-I have a boyfriend!" Bridgette stammers.

"And, amigos, please allow me." Alejandro then helps up the two other boys. "Wow-whee." Ezekiel says. "I like girls." Tyler defends himself unnecessarily.

"Here's our first girl, she's a well known actress who hates germs, super pretty by the way; [Name]!" The girl comes out with a disgusted expression, trying not to touch the handles of the bus, jumping off the last step.

"When was the last time this thing has been washed?" She questions, squirting hand sanitizer into her hands. A few of the teens hold back squeals, waving at her and she changes her expression and waves back with a small smile, before she can walk away Chris is already announcing the next girl.

"And she's a sugar addicted superfan with 16 Total Drama blogs; Sierra!" The tall purple haired girl runs out, squeezing [Name] into an embrace, lifting the girl up.

"Oh, my gosh! I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life and-" She gasps for breath, hyperventilating and finally letting go of the actress who hurries away from her. "Anybody, got a paper bad I can breathe into?" She asks around then is quickly over that, heading to the other contestants.

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