3 ~ Miami

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Logan Sargeant

When do you fly out?

Tomorrow, why?

I'll pick you up at the airport.
We going for a drive in Miami.

Oh okay, I land at 10am, your time.

I know. Its the only flight due this morning.


Oscar landed in Miami and he turned his phone on, to see that Logan would be waiting for him in the airport. As he made his way through Border Control and claimed his suitcases in the arrivals hall, he made his way to the exit where he saw Logan waiting for him amongst the other taxi drivers. He was holding a sign saying "Oscar Piastri's biggest fan." Oscar's heart warmed at the smile on Logan's face when their eyes met.

Logan took Oscar's suitcases off him and dumped them in the trunk of the car, as Oscar climbed into the passenger seat of Logan's Chevy.

O - So where are we going on this road trip?

L - We're just going for a drive before going for some dinner.

O - Nice!

As Logan sped off out of the airport car park, they cruised down Ocean Drive, with the salty ocean breeze tousling their hair. The neon lights of the Art Deco buildings illuminated their path as they soaked in the lively atmosphere.

Miami's pristine beaches couldn't be missed. Logan parked his car by the shore and spent the day basking in the sun, playing beach volleyball, and sipping on refreshing coconut water. 

As the sun begins to set, the pair were lay on a huge beach towel Logan had brought for the trip. Their voices were silent but the waves rushing against the beach made for wonderful listening.

O - How are you finding it in F1?

L - I'm struggling, really, its was a lot more intense than I was expecting.

Oscar and Logan's eyes met. A wave of love overcame the pair of them. They were like magnets being drawn to each other until they kiss. Time froze. Oscar's soft hand graced the side of Logan's face. Eventually, they pull away from each other...

L - Wow.

O - Yeah... I think we should head to the hotel so I can change clothes before we go out to dinner.

L - Oh... yeah... sure.

The pair packed their beach towel and threw it in the trunk of the car and drove to the hotel. Oscar checked into his room, quickly showered, got changed and dartingly left as he sprayed his favourite cologne.

O - So where are you taking me out to dinner then?

L - We're going to a beachside restaurant.

As they arrived at the restaurant and were seated by the waiters, they poured through the menus of food and drink. After the ordered, an awkward silence filled the atmosphere.

L - I love the smell of your cologne. Soft, just like you.

O - Ahah, thank you.

L - About the kiss...

O - Oh that, yeah I don't know what I was thinking... sorry.

L - Don't be sorry. I enjoyed it.

O - You did?

Logan's response was cut short by the arrival of their food and the topic of their kiss was not returned to. The night drew on and eventually Logan drove Oscar back to the hotel.

O - I've really enjoyed today, thank you for showing me your home city.

L - You're welcome Oscar, looking forward to seeing you at the track this weekend.

O - Try not to have a fight with the paddock pass machines again.

L - Ahah, I won't.

O - Goodnight Logan.

L - Goodnight Oscar.

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