The Promise

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Life is a funny thing. One moment you are happy and on top of the world and the next you are at the lowest of lows. It takes one sentence, one look, one phrase, one life changing action to completely disintegrate a life that you had been working so hard for.

It's like playing an instrument. The perfect combination of notes can sound beautiful, it can take you to a whole new world, full of color and light, but when you misplace your finger, hit the wrong note, forget the next part, the music suddenly doesn't sound as beautiful as it did.

But sometimes, just once in awhile, those very rare moments, when you miss a note and land on another one it sounds even better than the planned note. It sounds foreign at first, but as time goes on, it starts to sound familiar and comfortable. You soon forget how the old note sounded.

I believe life is full of unexpected notes and many times these notes are ugly and we try to hide from them. But just once in a while we stubble upon a master piece we would not have been able to hear or see without making a mistake.

My name is Rosie Parks and this is the story of how I lost everything because of a mistake I thought was beautiful.

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