Chapter 3

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"What time is it?" Lilly's groans wake me from a peaceful sleep. I groaned back and pulled the covers over to my side of the bed. "Holy crap it's noon!" Lilly screamed and I felt her jump out of the bed. I groaned again and put my head under the covers. "Rosie we are already a half hour late to English! Get up!" Lilly half yelled. She pulled on the covers and I groaned even louder. "I'm skipping. I need sleep." I said without opening my eyes. I heard a sigh come from Lilly and the bed dip. "Me too." She said getting back under the covers. "Go to your own bed!" I shouted and wrapped my self in the comforter. She groaned and mumbled something about how I was a pain in the ass and I heard my door slam. I smiled to myself in victory. I started spreading my legs out and moving them together in the action of a snow angel. The feeling of cool covers against my warm skin was refreshing and soothing. I love having a bed to myself. Maybe that was why I was single. I flipped over onto my stomach and fell back into a peaceful sleep.

"I feel wonderful!" I threw my hands up in content. Lilly looked at me with amused eyes and took a bite of the apple she was eating. "It's nearly six in the evening." She said with a chuckle. "I'm a growing girl I need sleep!" I said sarcastically and opened our tiny fridge. I swear this thing gets smaller each time we go grocery shopping. "So what's tonight?" Lilly asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "I have class." I take a bite of my nectarine and she rolls her eyes. "You skipped today!" She says annoyed. "Yeah but I'm up and I like this class." I walk to my room, away from Lilly's protests and change into ripped skinny jeans and a long sleeve plain white cotton t-shirt. I throw my leather coat and scarf on and grab my bag. "See ya Lilly." I scream as I walk out the door. She screams something about how I'm a looser and I chuckled at her attempt to get me to stay in with her. I lock the door behind me and walk down the concrete steps and push my earphones into my cold ears. I reach into my purse and put on this soft headband thing that covers my ears.
You were dancing in your tube socks in our hotel room,
Flashing those eyes like highway signs.

The way light hits the trees with the clouds creates the perfect picture moment. I reach into my purse, searching for my camera. I found the heavy object and lifted it out of bag and looked through the lens. The far away sound of the shutter of the lens sends a chill through my body. I press the play button and see the picture I had just taken. The white and clean building in the background of the tree creates a warm feel while the purple, pink and orange clouds and sky give me the feeling of what it is like to be in love. The feeling of absolute happiness. I forgot how much I loved taking pictures.

Light one up and hand it over, rest your head upon my shoulder.
I just wanna feel your lips against my skin.

I sling my camera across my body and continue down the street, taking in the beautiful sunset. It was crazy for me to think that I could be in public, around people, yet I was completely in my own world. The street was empty though. The houses lights dimly lit the almost dark street. I looked behind me and in front of me. I smiled a little at the solitude I felt in this big city. No cars. No people. Just an almost set sun, music and my thoughts to keep me company. It was moments like these I loved. I felt free. Independent. Beautiful.
I felt like I could take on the world. I spin around and laugh a little at how happy I felt. It was like life was flowing through me. It was exciting. I can do anything. Go anywhere. Do anything. I have nothing holding me back.
I smiled a little. This is what life should be like. This is it right here. And I felt this way because of this stupid street being empty and some good music.
After skipping, spinning and every other childish dance move I could pull, I made it to my classroom. I walked in with a small smile and sat at the back of room. I opened my notebook and began to doodle on a blank page. Someone dropping their bag snapped me out of my dream world. "Hey." Michael said with a small smile. I smiled back and closed my notebook. The same blonde kid that was with Michael walked over to Michael and looked down at the end of the desk. "Where am I supposed to sit?" He asked annoyed. Michael motioned to the seat next to me and he walked over to me and towered over me. "Mind moving so I can sit next to my mate?" He asked in a demeaning tone. I looked at him with resilience. "You can sit there." I said pointing to the seat next to me. "Look I don't know who you think you are-" he is cut off by Michael pinching his arm and he hits Michael and looks back at me. "Move." He says, clearly trying to use his height to intimidate me. I stand up and watch as his expression falters. "Didn't anyone ever teach you that bullying isn't nice?" I sarcastically asked. He looks me up and down. "Don't be a bitch." He takes a step toward me. "Don't be immature." I retort back, taking another step toward him. "Luke!" Mrs. Baker screams. "Where is your chivalry along with your manners?" She screeches and he rolls his eyes. "Just sit next to her! I promise the distance from Michael won't kill you." She says sarcastically. I laugh and he rolls to his eyes. He unwillingly sits in the chair next to me and I smile in victory. "Bitch." He mumbles under his breath. "Emo asshole." I mumble louder. He looks at me and I ignore his stare. "We are writing about love today! It's not going to be poetry but more of a journal entry. So get started!" I open my notebook and grab a pen from my bag. I start writing;
We spend our whole lives searching for something. It starts when we are kids. We look for it from our mothers. We crave it so much that we wear her down until she has no more to give. So when her love isn't enough, we start looking for it from others. Someone to evoke this feeling inside ourselves.

I hear someone snort beside me. I turn to find the blonde kid looking at my paper and laughing. "Mind your own damn business." I lean over to him. "I'm sorry, it's just hard to believe that you know anything about love." He laughs. "Why? 'Cause I'm such a bitch?" I challenge him. "Actually yes." He nods. "Like your emo ass knows anything about what love is." I roll my eyes and his eyes flash with anger. "I am not emo." He says through gritted teeth. "Please. A ripped black misfits tshirt. Ripped black jeans and black converse. A sliver ring on your pinky and a lip ring. Honestly I'm surprised you don't have eye liner on. Did you forget to put it on Mr. Diva?" I asked sarcastically. His knuckles turn white and he clenches his jaw. I slam my notebook shut and get up. "I'm not feeling well Mrs. Baker may I leave?" I ask politely. She nods her head and wishes me luck to get better. I grab my purse and put my pencil in it. "Aw is someone sick?" blondie asks in a baby voice. "Yeah sick of your bullshit." I snarl. "You really know how to kill someone's vibe. No wonder girls don't like you." I throw my purse over my shoulder pull his chair back, causing him to jerk forward and grab onto the table. I walk out the door and start my walk home.

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