Chapter 6

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"I'm so hungry!" Michael moans. I look at him in disbelief and look around the room at the other boys horrified faces. Suddenly a piece of pizza hits him in the face and he yelps. "What the shit!" He screams at Luke. Luke stifles a laugh and I burst out giggling. "It's not funny Rosie! He got sauce all over my favorite ACDC shirt!" Michael whines like a two year old. "That's my shirt!" Ashton screams and Michael smiles. "Never mind then." he smirks and picks up the pizza out of his lap. "Unbelievable." I mutter at their stupidity. "And you're sure people are actually coming tonight?" I ask. They all roll their eyes. "Yes. Our fans call us dorks. They understand our idiocy." Calum responds and takes a huge bite of his piece of pizza. "It's honestly incredible you have fans!" They all moan. "No I mean it! Like they are all obsessing over you guys who are so incredibly ridiculous. Were you this way before, you know, were famous?" I ask and they all glare at me. "If you mean devilishly handsome, then yes." Luke responds with a smirk and Calum bursts out laughing. "Yeah okay Mr. Fringe." he giggles and Luke glares at him. "You had fringe?" I giggle and he grits his teeth. "It was a rough time, okay?" He groans. I burst out laughing and pull out my phone. "This is something I need to see!" I giggle and search 'fetus 5sos'. My phone is ripped from my hands and I find four nervous boys in front of me. "Give me my phone." I say sternly. They all look at me sheepishly and Calum takes a breath in. "Just know that-that this was all under Michael's influence!" He bursts and Michael hits him. "Was not!" He screams and Calum ignores Michael and hands my phone back.

I am met with four guys that are incredibly young. I look at each prepubescent boy and burst out with laughter. "Luke is probably the most normal looking out of you four." I giggle. "Thanks babe." he gives me his signature smirk and my smile instantly drops. "Don't call me that jackass." I respond and his smirk falters. "Whatever you say, babe." he smirks again. "Jackass." I glare and he narrows his eyes. "Babe." he says again just to be irritating.
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck you more!"
"Children!" Michael screams. "Now that is not appropriate language for the dinner table." He says in a parenting tone. "I have no choice but to send you to the closet to have make up sex." He smirks. "Hah." I snort and they all look at me. "Like Luke could ever get me in a closet." I elaborate. "It's true. Rosie doesn't do closets." Lilly backs me up. "Who was it? Tommy-" "Robinson." I cut her off. They all look at me with disbelief. "He got 7 minutes in heaven with me when we were sixteen and well you know." I giggle and the boys look at me with disbelief. "Your girl can be naughty." I smirk and take a drink of my water. Damn right I could.
"No way are these records?" I suddenly realize the relics in the room and run up to them. I run my fingers along the battered spines of each individual record. I pull out Hot Rocks and run my hand against the dusty plastic cover. "Can we play one?" I ask excited and they all nod their heads. "Luke show her where the record player is." Michael kicks Luke and he groans. "Fine." he finally says and I smile. He glares at me and leads me to a small corner behind the stage with an ancient record player. I look at the tracks on the old record and place the fragile vinyl on the record player. I count the tiny lines and carefully drop the breakable needle on the part of the record I desire. "Gimme Shelter. Nice." Luke comments and I smile. "It's my favorite of The Stones." I smile and looks at me confused. "Why? It's about the Vietnam War." He asks. I smile. "It's about something real and you can tell they really cared about the war being over. It's not just some publicity stunt you know? It has real meaning." I reply and he nods his head. "I get that." he finally gives me a genuine smile and I'm shocked at how attractive it makes him look. Frown lines really aren't his thing. I think of telling him this, but decide against it. He doesn't need his ego becoming more inflated than it already is. "Hey, I can play the beginning on the guitar." he suddenly bursts and I smile at him. "Let's hear it." I motion for him to play and he plugs in his guitar. I turn off the record player and he positions his fingers. I realize that his guitar is a relic in itself and silently admire the old guitar's beauty. He strums and the whole stadium fills with the opening chords to 'Gimme Shelter'. "Dude I didn't know we were playing The Stones!" Ashton comes out of the dressing room and grabs his drumsticks. All the other boys grab their instruments and head out on stage. Luke follows them and I watch in awe. "Aren't you coming?" He smiles and I shake my head. "Yes of course!" I smile.

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