Chapter 7

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"Hey guys! This next song goes out to all our very special ladies out there!" Cal screams into the microphone. We have migrated to two seats off to the side in the front. We could see the whole stage and were surrounded by screaming fans. "Oh my gosh I love your shirt!" A girl with bright blue eyes and a red bandana complimented me. I nodded and screamed thanks. "It looks exactly like Luke's!" She screams over the thousands of squealing girls. "You must be a die hard Luke girl! That shirt is so hard to find! Where'd you get it?" She asked excited. I smiled nervously at her. "My dad's closet. He has a ton of old t-shirts." I lied. She nodded her head in disappointment and turned back toward the boys and started squealing along with the other thousands of girls. They even know their shirts? I thought. These girls really are dedicated.
The girl next to me is literally going insane over Michael. Like head banging, screaming and filming his every move. I look around at the other girls and notice they are all doing the same thing. Jesus. These boys are really a huge deal. "I can't believe they're playing this song!" She screamed and I flinched. Could she be any louder? I smile at her and nod my head in understanding. I have no clue what's she's talking about but I have to go along with it. I'm utterly confused at this point but my instincts are telling me scream along and go insane. Pretend Luke was Mick Jagger or someone. I laugh a little at the thought of Luke as Mick Jagger. I imagine him sticking his lips out and dancing like a chicken. I laugh at the thought and he catches my eye and winks. "Did you see that!?!?" The girl next to me screams. "Luke just winked at me!" She squeals and jumps up and down. If only she knew. I laughed. They finish their set and Lilly is literally in another land. "He was incredible." She says in a distracted voice. A land of Calum I chuckle to myself. They boys walk off the stage and the girl taps me on the shoulder. "What's your Twitter?" She excitedly asks me. I smile at her and she hands me her phone so I can type it in. A buzz in my back pocket signals me that she's followed me and I wave goodbye to her. I unlock my phone and follow her back. I stalk her timeline a little and notice she's a die hard Michael girl. Every one of her tweets is to or about Michael.
We get lost in the sea of fans and push our way past some crying girl. She swore Luke Hemmings pointed to her in the middle of one of their songs. I roll my eyes and laugh. Fangirls. We finally see our friend, Al, the security guard. He waves us over and smiles at us. "Be very discreet." he whispers at us. "Do you want us to crawl or something?" I sarcastically bite back. He gives me a fake smile and shakes his head. "These girls will make up rumors about anything. I suggest that you girls are quick so no one can snap a pic of you guys and call you the next groupies." He says in a matter of fact tone. There are still swarms of screaming, crying and sexually frustrated girls going up the stairs so we hurriedly climb over the fence and run behind the curtain. "How'd we do Al?" I whisper scream at him. "Not the most graceful performance I've ever seen but it'll do." He laughs. I fist pump and Lilly pulls me into the confusing hallway.
We get lost in the maze of tiny hallways, but eventually find our way back to the dressing room. Lilly starts to push the door open but I stop her. "Isn't this going to awkward?" I nervously ask her. She smiles at me and shakes her head. "See me and Cal didn't hate each other before he kissed me so, no." She giggles and opens the door. I try to stop her, but end up stumbling into the dressing room with four pair of eyes set on me. I awkwardly brush myself off and look around, specifically avoiding eye contact with Luke. I can already tell he's smirking and I don't really want to deal with him. Lilly is giggling with Calum and I'm stuck standing in the middle of the room. Great. "Right then." I cough. I start to back away and cough again. "I'm going to go get some water." I say, almost out the door. "We have some right here Rosie." Luke smirks at me. "Yeah but-" I awkwardly start but then bolt out the door. Smooth Rosie. My stupid brain comments. "Shut up." I murmur to myself and grab a bottle of water. Could this night get any worse? "So is this water better than the water in the dressing room?" An annoyingly familiar voice echoes. I grit my teeth and turn around. "Yeah. It wasn't touched by you." I bite back. He just smirks and scratches his scruff. He slowly walks over to me and looks at the ground. "So tell me," he begins and I flinch. This is not going anywhere good. "It's been known that girls are mean to boys when they like them. Do you like me Rosie?" He says looking up through his lashes. Fuck. Those damn blue eyes. Butterflies start to act up in my stomach, but, I imagine myself hitting each one with a bat. Not today. "I'm mean to you because you're a jerk." I say. "But tell me Luke," I smirk. "Do you like me? I mean, it has been known that boys are jerks to girls when they like them." I say, using his own intimidating line against him. "No." he grits his teeth. "Well you want to know what I think?" I say taking a step towards him. "No." he spits out again. "Too bad." I laugh and continue, "I think you like me. That you're mister superstar who can have any girl he desires. But not me. I'm not interested in you because I see you for who you are." In the course of my speech I have grown dangerously close to him. He is looking down at me with hateful eyes. "And who might that be?" He smirks. "A lonely boy who uses hate and sex to cover up his reality of desiring love." I pull my shoulders back and walk away from him. I grab a bagel and walk past him. "You know what I see in you?" He shouts at me. I turn around. "See, it doesn't work that way." I shake my head and walk towards him. "What doesn't?" He squints his eyes. "You saying something that's meant to hurt me like my description hurt you and then we walk along hating each other." I say and chuckle a little. "It's only fair that I analyze you like you analyzed me." he smirks. "Not if your analysis is coming from a place of pain and revenge." I smirk back at him. "Who said you can make the rules?" He angrily says. "You can make the rules when you win the game." I say back and he looks at me flustered. "That's what high school taught me." I laughed. "But you wouldn't know about that now would you?" I notice his eyes looking sad rather than spiteful. "Next time you kiss me, try not to be a jerk after." I throw out into the air and start to walk away. "Rosie!" He shouts after me. "What." I shout back. He walks towards me and looks down at me with his burning blue eyes. Damn those eyes.
"I came out here to start a conversation about the kiss." he says and rubs his temples. "Your conversation starter wasn't very good." I mumble and he laughs. "Well as you can tell I'm not very good at this." he shrugs his shoulders and smiles a little. I just look at him and he continues. "Look I came out here to ask you if you wanted to go get something to eat outside of the arena." He smiled at me and I take a step back. What. Just. Happened.
Luke Hemmings just politely asked me to go get something to eat and wasn't a complete tool about it. He didn't say any sexual innuendo, he doesn't have a gun to his head and as far as I can tell he's serious. "W-what." I manage to get out. "Do you want to go get something to eat?" He says again, this time a little more nervous. "You don't like me." I say and look at him. "And you were literally being a complete asshole like five minutes ago." I say completely shocked. "I told you I'm not very good at this. I'm used to girls literally throwing themselves at me." He says and shoves his fingertips into his skinny jeans. "And you look really hot when you're mad." he smirks at me. "And he's back." I shake my head and he laughs. "Look, just one dinner. If you want to leave in the middle that's totally fine. Just give it a chance." He grabs my hand and looks at me. I literally cannot say anything because of the shock. I just look into his blue eyes. Just do it! The little voice in my head entices me. I play around with thought of sharing a meal with Luke and finally have an answer. "Okay." I mumble and he smiles satisfied.

Hey guys! So sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm thinking of a double update because I'm super bored but I'm getting a laptop soon! My dads ordering it Saturday and it should be here by the fifth of August so that means more updates! Remember to vote comment and share! I love all the comments and messages I'm getting from you guys! Keep it up!

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