Chapter One: The Set-Up

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" Dear, the Hollyberrian King and Queen " A message is scrawled out in hasteful red ink on a singed piece of parchment, "I urge you for your assistance. The beloved prince of Nogard has been captured by the Red Dragon and we have not been able to find him. We believe he may have been taken somewhere near your borders. Please, dear fellow royals, send a warrior to his aid and we will meet you at your castle to collect him." Pitaya Dragon Cookie drops the letter into the hands of a slumbering mail carrier before tapping their shoulder to awaken them. They fly off and watch as the squire reads the urgent message and darts inside to issue it to the King and Queen.

Chapter One

A rickety stone tower sat against the horizon. Two figures flying towards the open window at the top. Flying in a blaze of flames and massive wings. The curtains blew inwards as the winged figure landed in the bedroom first. Their companion landed down on the windowsill and looked around at the cobweb ridden space. He grimaced then slinked further into the room, approaching a bed with a deteriorating canopy.

Fire Spirit perched himself on the edge of the bed. Shuddering as dust and stray feathers from the comforter started to swirl around him. He adjusted bits of his costume, making sure his silken veil covered his horns - and as much of his mane of flames as it could.

"I hope you know that I'm not going to do a voice for this role," He put his hand on his chest, scoffing, "You aren't quite paying me enough for that. Or this, rather."

"Oh, peh," Pitaya Dragon looked around the room, a sparkle of mischief in their eye, "All you need to do is convince a big dumb brute that you're a prince, voice or not." They looked at Fire Spirit, growling as they noticed the roll of his eyes. "Do that and you'll have a fair share of the riches."

"And, knowing you, that'll be..." Fire Spirit feigned a pause to think, "Oh! One coin!" He covered his mouth to chuckle at his own joke.

Curling their fist, Pitaya Dragon took a hissing breath in through their teeth. They hopped back up to the windowsill, using their right hand to grip to the edge. "You should learn how to shut your mouth before that brute gets here," They looked out the window, watching the winding paths that connect the abandoned castle to the rest of the land; searching for any sign of an armored fool. "It could be a matter of minutes before they get here, or it could be days."

They snicker to themself, "I think a month or two will serve you right," Fire Spirit's eyebrows raise as he responds in a gasp. "Either way, you better get into character before they arrive."

Fire Spirit, once again, rolled his eyes at the remark. He looked back at the raggedy bed and took a courage boosting breath before flopping back. The aged springs of the mattress sunk him deep into a dust-smelling, albeit comfortable, pit of feathers and ripping fabric. Using his elbows to readjust himself, Fire Spirit cocked his head to look towards the window.

"I wonder what it would be like to be ravished in an ancient hall like this," He hummed quizzically.

"Oh, I don't think you'll need to worry about that with your ugly mug," Pitaya Dragon remarked. They stretched out their wings, "Either way, I must be off, before some idiot with a sword dares slay me." They leapt from the window, powerful wings moving them far from the tower in a quick gush of wind.

Touching his hand to his face, Fire Spirit picked at a few of the magma scales on his cheek, "I'm sure someone would gladly do it," he looked at the ceiling, wishing desperately for a poster to gaze upon. "I'm a beast fit for ravishing,"

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