Chapter Three: A Web of Lies

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The tower seemed to reach as high as the sun as Knight scanned back the height of it. He reached his hand up to grab hold to a divot in the bricks. Buckling the heel of his boot into the side. As he pulled himself up, he grunted fairly loudly - in an inconvenienced tone. Knight's face curled into a state of utter strain as he heaved himself up the wall.

"You don't happen to be one of those damoiseau's that has really long hair, do you?" Knight's voice was a bit squeaky as he continued on his journey upwards, "Because that would be really helpful,"

"Uhm... No, sorry," Fire Spirit relaxed back in the bed. He laid on his side, popping one leg so it was draped in a way that accentuated his hips. Tugging his shawl and tunic so they sat in a perfectly helpless manner, amplifying the idea that he needed to be rescued.

Knight closed his eyes, breathing in through his nose. He settled the tension in his mind and kept climbing, "That's alright," He pulled himself up just below the windowsill, "It's not your fault the dragon took you, afterall," One of Knight's hands wrapped around a thick patch of ivy and he tugged on it. It stuck in place. He used the branches to get up next to the window, lingering by the opening, "I did not offend you, did I?"

Hearing the other's voice approach the window, Fire Spirit put his wrist against his forehead as he settled into position. Having to stifle a giggle at Knight's question, "Oh no, not at all," He closed his eyes for full effect, "In fact, I found it quite funny,"

"Really?" Knight blurted the word out, covering his mouth, "Oh forgive me, I'm just not used to damoiseaux that have a sense of humor,"

"I can assure you, I have plenty," Fire Spirit said. He feigned a scoff, "Now, I don't suppose you're coming to rescue me, or shall we continue to chat through the bars of this cage I've found myself in?"

Knight's eyes widened and he paused for a moment. Stammering as his words came back to, "I- oh, of course," He settled his feet on the windowsill, looking into the dark chambers. Drawn to the radiance emanating from Fire Spirit's perch on the bed. A warm orange glow appeared to be dancing around the prince's face and Knight took a moment to look upon him.

Dust danced throughout the bedroom, swirling in between the light coming from the window and the light coming from Fire Spirit's face. They swirled like the flames found at the peaks of the Dragon's Valley - alluring, but ultimately fierce and dangerous. The spirals drew Knight's attention to Fire Spirit's robes, as did the provocative pose he'd propped himself into. Perhaps the latter a bit more.

Embroidery of gold shimmered in the fabrics. Knight felt tempted to lift his visor to look over it more clearly, but kept it down so as not to seem like he was staring inappropriately. The patterns invoked the idea of a flame, yet they were not one belonging to any kingdom that Knight had ever serviced. It would be another mark on his map to assist Fire Spirit - and he made a note to ask him about his home as soon as possible.

He made his way forward, not noticing as Fire Spirit peeked open an eye to get a look at him. Fire Spirit fought not to sit up to see his whole figure; remaining in his pose like a scene from a movie on a paused screen. Kneeling down beside the bed, Knight gently put his hand against the one Fire Spirit had draped over his forehead.

"Did I wake you earlier? I do apologize if I did," Knight lifted his hand a bit, "Though, I don't understand how one could sleep in peril like yours."

Fire Spirit's train of thought flew off the tracks quick as Knight held his hand. He tilted his head towards the other, fluttering open his eyes in the most dream-like way he could muster, "Oh, yes, well you see, I tend to get faint at the sight of trouble," He gestured to Knight to help him up, and the other obliged immediately, "I haven't been this far out from my kingdom, it's all very... overwhelming,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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