Chapter 7

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"God dammit." I swore out. I had woken up to the sound of footsteps in my living room. They weren't quite nor masked. It was plain that someone was in my apartment.

I grabbed the same metal candlestick and made my way through the dark room. My eyes only fixate on the main objects in the room. I did the same thing as before and crept my way to the bedroom door and slowly slid it open. This time I wasn't met with nothing. Instead standing in my living room was a dark shadow.

The shadow was darker than the black room itself. It looked demonic or something the devil himself would conjure. My eyes moved up and down the figure and landed on a pair of horns coming out of its head. Clear as day I knew I saw them. His hair brushed back and sat in small waves on his head. A tail flickering back and forth. Not part of some costume. It was real.

My mouth sat agape and my eyes were probably the size of saucers. I couldn't even fathom what I was seeing. "Am I dreaming?" I thought. My knuckles became white from how hard I was gripping the candlestick. Pure fear was the only thing I felt as I stood frozen in place.

The thing hadn't noticed me yet and was looking over some small trinkets I had randomly placed on that shelf Sodo and I built. His hand reached out to touch something as sharp claws came into view. They weren't long or unkept but more like the sharpness of a cat's claw.

My breath caught in my throat. "What do I do?" I thought. I couldn't charge the thing in case it was some kind of devil from hell but I couldn't just hide away as it stole shit from me. I weighed the options and yet still couldn't decide on what to do.

"I know you're there." Its voice is deep and similar to that of Sodo's. The same deepness but the thing's voice held more of a sinister tone. Sounding scarier than it needed to. My body began to shake once it recognized I was there. The room becoming colder and colder. A pit in my stomach formed.

The thing cocked its head to the side and now stared straight into me. His eyes the color of a blood sea or the remnants of a mass slaughter. So red you could see the reaper beg for mercy.

I shrunk back into my room and quickly shut the door. It was useless as there was no lock and the thing knew I was there. It was what I could come up with in the moment of panic. "Come on out lovely I don't bite." The voice said from the other side of the door.

I kept quiet and backed up to my bed. The thing hadn't entered yet. Soft tapping on the other side of the door was the only sound. "Why don't you trust me, we are soulmates." Its voice held a slight lisp to it, like the thing had its tongue out or between its teeth. "G-go away." I stuttered out. My hand pointing the candlestick to the closed door.

It grew quiet and for a moment I thought the thing was gone or I had just imagined it. Then a soft patter noise. "We'll be together soon, trust me." Then nothing. Silence followed the voice. Nothing to indicate it left or was even there. No matter to me as I decided to stay right where I was, on the edge of the bed, until morning when it was light out. I wasn't even sure if the light affected that thing but I didn't care. Light meant safe and so that's all I needed.

Soon enough the sun came up. The light of day peaked through my curtains as silence echoed in the house, it was almost deafening. My eyes heavy but the fear inside me kept me awake. Once the first bird chirped outside I felt comfortable enough to check out in the living room.

With candlestick in hand I slowly opened my door and peered out. All seemed normal and still in place. Nothing was destroyed. I stepped out, my feet becoming cold on the wood floors. Slowly I made my way to the cabinet and looked everything over. Any small detail that could point me to who the fuck was in my house.

My eyes scanned over everything but nothing came to view. But as I reached the edge of the middle shelf a small letter caught my eye. It was carved into the wood creating a lighter brown color to stand out. Moving a small picture of Maire and I sat a letter in full view. An 'S' was carved into the wood. The edges are jagged and sharp. "That thing had claws." I recalled the sharp claws the thing had as he reached for something.

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