Chapter 13

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 I walked through my door with the biggest smile on my face. I could hardly contain my excitement. I tossed my boots to the side and practically threw my purse through the wall.

I quickly dialed my sister and waited for her to pick up. Pacing around the room I waited and waited until Marie picked up. "Hey what's up?" She asked, nonchalantly. "I've started dating someone!" I yelled into the phone. "What, really! Omg tell me everything!" Maire matched my excitement. I ran to my couch and made myself comfortable.

While I told Maire about Sodo I left out some of the most important details such as he was a ghoul that lived in the ministry she told me not to go to. The fact he could get into my apartment without even a noise and he had stolen my perfume and probably other things. I only talked about our date and how we came to know each other, though she found it strange.

"Then before he left I gave him a kiss on the cheek!" I masked a small squeal. "Ok, Lana I have never been so excited. When I'm free next I'll visit you and I'm meeting this guy, he sounds so nice." The smile Maire had on radiated through the phone. "Yes, and bring Josh so we can have a double date."

I began to plan out the date in my head. A nice restaurant at night, then we go to a bar and dance around a bit. It was all coming together.

"I thought you didn't like Josh." Maire scoffed through the phone. "I don't but a double date sounds fun and I'm sure I can deal with him for a night." I hugged a nearby pillow. "Sounds good, I'll have a friend of mine watch the kids." Loud yelling and laughter radiated through the phone.

As I laughed at the yelling kids I felt it again, that intense staring feeling. My body shivered at the familiar feeling causing me to sit up from my spot. "Hey Marie I've got to go." I tried not to sound nervous. "Ok no problem. I'll let you know when I'm free." Then the call went silent.

"Sodo!" I called out. I left the couch with my phone clutched in my hand. As creepy as it would be I wouldn't mind if it was Sodo giving me the creepy feeling and not someone else. A shiver running down my spine making me turn around quickly expecting to see Sodo behind me but nothing. I moved to my room but nothing. Nothing and no one was in the house but the feeling was still there.

I went into my room again and this time checked the bathroom. The feeling wasn't strong here and I barely felt it so I quickly grabbed comfortable clothes and my phone. I locked the bathroom door and changed. The feeling faint but still slightly there, like someone was behind the door.

I sat on the floor with my phone in hand opened to Sodo's contact. I debated if I should text him or just leave it be. "Make sure you aren't crazy and if you still feel it, text him." Compromising, I stood up and slowly creeped the door open.

I walked out and for a minute everything was fine. The feeling no longer lingered in my back or on my neck. My muscles relaxed and I turned my phone off. "Maybe I was crazy." I muttered under my breath. I moved to the living room then it hit me like a wave. The feeling was stronger than before and I thought someone was in front of me. The nauseating feeling causing my head to begin to pound as I leaned over.

"Sodo, is that you?" I called out once more but it was only returned with silence. I felt silly for calling out but it was all I could think to do. After waiting for a response my head felt light and I rushed back to the bathroom. I locked the door but the feeling was still there.

This feeling wasn't like before. It was heavier and instead of feeling it in my back or down my neck it felt like someone was staring straight into my soul. This felt more evil, malicious even.

I pushed myself and decided to text Sodo. "Hey I know this might sound weird but I feel like someone is watching me." I pressed send and waited but nothing came in response. Sighing I turned my phone off and placed my head on my knees. The feeling moved from my chest up my body and to my head. A pulsating feeling followed.

Then my phone rang. Sodo was calling me. "Lana what's going on?" Not a hi or anything and I couldn't have preferred it any other way. "I don't know if it feels like someone is watching me and it's causing a headache." I muttered into my phone. My head spun and I was forced to close my eyes. Sodo was quiet on the other line, "Ok I'm heading over. Just stay where you are." A mutter of annoyance and a few strings of swear words the line went dead and I was forced to wait.

I waited a little less than ten minutes when I heard the door open and close. I hoped it was Sodo and not someone else. "Lana!" Sodo's voice yelled out, making me jump to my feet. As I did though I winced in pain and grimaced at the movement. "I'm here." I called and moved out of the bathroom.

Sodo quickly came to me and engulfed me in a surprised hug. "Promise you won't be weirded out." He whispered. "Why?" Confused, I tried to look up but couldn't with my head pressed to Sodo. "A few ghouls wanted to know more about you." I got the hint. "I told them off though. We can meet them at another time." He hugged me tighter. I just basked in the warmth Sodo was providing instead of responding.

In a way I just had to accept it. There was no way I would tell off a bunch of ghouls let alone face them for it. Because Sodo had come to help me I felt more safe than before. Sodo had begun to turn into a safe spot for me and I found comfort where he was.

"Can you stay a little longer?" I muttered into his chest. He was quiet for a minute and then let out a small chuckle. "Of course." I was released from the hug, making me look up to Sodo. His eyes sparkled as they moved around my face. "How about I make some dinner." I offered.

I didn't mind entertaining him nor did I want him to feel neglected but I was exhausted and the headache that had formed wasn't going away anytime soon. It felt as if I had been stabbed in the head. My heart beat in my ears making a small ringing noise follow.

"No, you said you had a headache. Let's just lay down ok." Sodo changed. When he had walked in the feeling that surrounded him was more anger and concern and now he was calm. It was strange just how much he could change when around someone or me.

"Are you sure I don't want t-" "I'm sure." He cut me off. Taking my hand, Sodo led me to my room and shut the blinds. The dark let my mind settle more than before and stopped my eyes from squinting in the setting sun. Sodo tugged at my hand and pushed me to the bed.

"Just lay down ok." He muttered. No sign of him getting on the bed as well, even though I was waiting for his warmth to continue to stay on me. "Could you lay with me?" I nervously asked, unsure if he would find it too quick to ask. "I would love to." Sodo said quickly and laid on the blankets behind me.

I moved to my back and brought my hands up to my temples before rubbing them slightly in order to relieve the tension in my head. I groaned slightly, catching Sodo's attention from the dark room. "Stop, sit up and let me help you."

Before I could respond or try to fight back I felt Sodo's hand on my back and pushed me up and down the bed. A small shuffling noise behind me before the bed dipped and my body was brought back down. This time my head didn't rest on a pillow but rather Sodo's crossed legs.

My stomach flipped at the feeling of him and I like this but once I felt his fingers against my temples my brain went to mush. His fingers warmed as he rubbed my temples in circular motions. As I basked in the relaxing feeling one memory popped into my mind. That night I had that intense feeling of being watched and getting a headache from it. I laid down just like I was here. Before I fell asleep this exact feeling, except a little lighter, had come to me. "Was Sodo the one who helped my headache?" I asked myself.

"Sleep." Sodo whispered to me. He shuffled a bit but settled once again. His fingers never stopped their motions but they did grow lighter. As he whispered my eyes grew heavy. My mind turned off. No thoughts, no memories, just the now.

"Thank you Sodo." My words barely audible in my groggy, sleepy state. "Anything for you." I couldn't register how he sounded but it sounded more of a possessive tone. Like in those movies when the person is obsessed with something and they do anything for it. That's what he sounded like. Not the caring tone from before.

I mumbled some random string of words as soon enough I fell asleep. Skipping meals was starting to become normal but in this case I wouldn't have wanted to eat anyways. Sodo's fingers could make me melt even without a headache. I would happily give up any meal to relax like I was now.

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