Chapter 24

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I wasn't sure how long I was waiting. Just sitting on those comfortable cushions waiting. My head resting on my knees while my hands hugged around them. My tears dried but the thoughts still ran through my mind. I couldn't cry anymore. Ghost tears running down my cheeks. No sobs this time.

Light was suddenly casted along the floor of the bedroom. The door slammed closed and before I could even bring my tired head up I heard that familiar voice I had yearned to hear. "Oh, my love." Sodo.

Fresh tears fell out my eyes. I didn't know I could still cry. "Sodo," I sobbed out. My knees moved from my chest and I opened my arms. In the matter of a millisecond Sodo was in my arms. Moreover, I was in his arms.

"Sodo, they-" "Don't speak just let me hold you." I was cut off. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my head into his shoulder. A deep breath allowed me to smell him. The source of the scent I longed for.

A minute went by and I was slowly pulled away from Sodo. As my eyes connected with his I saw the deep concern plaguing them. Sodo looked as if he would cry himself. Tears threatening to fall.

"When Swiss said you were here crying I panicked. Are you hurt? Did...Did your parents hurt you?" His eyes turned to slits. Sodo's eyes flashed with rage as he began to look me over. I knew why he was like this. He had thought he broke his promise. "My parents came to the door. I didn't let them in but they know I live there." I tried to not rush my words but sobs threatened to take over. I pushed the words out as quickly as I could before I erupted into sobs.

"It's ok, I'm here. They won't find you. How'd you get out?" He asked. It didn't seem too important to me but Sodo was clearly distraught by my words. "Out of my bathroom window, there's a metal cage where the ivy grows." The thought brought a small chuckle to my lips.

"Oh dear, are you hurt?" I was forcefully stood up. No point in fighting back. My tired body trembled under my own weight as Sodo began looking over every part of me. A few scratches from the cage and vines along my hands and arms but that was it, nothing I thought would be concerning. Sodo thought differently.

"Shit, come with me." He demanded again. This time his hand grasped onto mine and pulled me to his bathroom. I was more than tired at this point. So tired I didn't care about my parents, the scratches, or telling Marie about what happened. I just wanted to sleep forever. Sleep away all the fear and uncertainty from today.

I did nothing to stop Sodo and just allowed myself to be pulled along. My feet shuffling on the ground as I walked. "Alright." Sodo heaved me up onto the counter. One hand lingering on my waist as he searched through a drawer to find something.

When his eye met mine again Sodo realized just how tired and beat down I was. His breath was panicked and his mind was clearly scattered. "Just let me take care of your arms, ok. Then we can get rest and deal with this in the morning." I nodded along. His words missing my ears.

Sodo had taken extra care and time making sure each small scratch, bump, or bruise was taken care of. By the end of his panicked frenzy I was practically passed out. My head resting on the mirror behind me with my eyes closed. I wasn't asleep but more resting my eyes.

Sodo must have thought I was asleep because he neither spoke nor even muttered a loud sigh. Instead I was picked up and brought to his bed. I stayed limp and enjoyed being carried around, unsure if I could even walk at this point. I was going to get up to change seeing as my clothes were dirty but Sodo had planned ahead.

His footsteps moved away and a door was opened before he returned again. This time he began to undress me and dress me again this time in what felt like his sweats and a t-shirt. I felt like I was getting pampered. Sodo wasn't going to wake me and instead took it into his own hands.

Seeing as I was more comfortable now I shifted and adjusted how I lay. This time making myself more comfortable in the bed. A few minutes later Sodo came. The bed dipped down as I was pulled closer to him. One hand over my hip and the other moving under my head. "Goodnight my love." He whispered. A kiss planted on the top of my head as all the candles in the room collectively blew out. Darkness now falling over the room.

"Darling," A whisper came to my ear. Two hands shaking my sides trying to wake me. "Lana wake up." The same voice followed by a more vicious shake. "Hmm, what?" I questioned. Still in my sleep drunken state I wasn't sure what was going on. "Honey, your phones going off." Squinting my eyes I slowly sat up and rubbed the back of my hand to my left eye.

Sodo handed me a phone and I took it. On the screen was a picture of Marie and I. "Marie's calling?" I muttered. Then my eyes shot open as all thoughts of sleep eluded me. Shooting up from the bed I clicked answer and stuck the phone to my ear.

"Marie!" I practically shouted. "Lana, are you ok, you never called back?" I hated myself for worrying her. "Marie, they came to my apartment. Both mom and dad." "What! What did you do? Do you have a place to stay!?" Rushed questions came through the phone. "I'm staying..." I looked back at Sodo.

Being by the window gave me a good look at Sodo. He was in a drunk state. His chest littered with faint scratches from the a few nights before. Not having gone away yet. His hair all ruffled and shoved in the best way possible. As he yawned his fangs appeared. The outline of his tail under the blanket as it moved around.

I didn't want to worry Marie further with who I was with so I just said, "I'm with a guy I'm seeing." I had told her about a guy I was seeing, never going into much detail. "Oh...Oh." Realization hit her. "Ok, I'm coming down so we can both deal with this. Where should I go?"

I bit my lip at the question. I didn't want her to come here. It wouldn't have been a good idea. The only reason I was safe here was because of Sodo.

"I'll meet you at my apartment. They shouldn't be there." Marie and I exchanged a few more words before saying our goodbyes and hanging up. Once the call ended I clutched my phone in my hand and stood where I was. My teeth biting into my lip as I grew more anxious.

"Everything ok?" Sodo snuck up behind me. One hand going around my waist while the familiar feeling of a tail wrapped around my thigh. I was starting to grow more used to it. "Mhm, I'm meeting my sister at the apartment." My head moved back as it rested on his bare shoulder.

After a moment of quiet Sodo finally spoke. "I'm going too." His other hand around my waist. "Are you sure? My sister and most likely her husband will be there." I tried to move to face him but Sodo kept a hold on me, keeping me in place. "Yes, I'm sure. I don't want you getting hurt."

Warmth spread over me. Not just from Sodo's unnaturally warm body but from his concern. After not having almost anyone care for me for so long the most simple things could make my day. Just Sodo wanting to be there and protect me made my heart flutter and my cheeks grow red.

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