Ugly Happiness

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Ugly Happiness

Are you really happy, are you? I ask because tears are often on your face as if they've been stuck on by glue.

Are you really happy, are you? Fakin' and frontin' for people you don't like, and don't like you, we live in a fickle world, so I guess it's cool.

Are you really happy, are you? You compromise yourself for "hearts" and "likes", that's the world we live in, so I guess it's alright.

Are you really happy, are you? The ugly truth answer is no, because if you were happy, you wouldn't put on such a vibrant show, frontin' like it's cool and alright but I get it, it's your life, so you do what you like, but I still beg the question, are you really happy, are you? Ugly Happiness.    - P.

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