Do The Math

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Do The Math

When the plus sign morphs into an 'x,' beware, for in the realm of choices, it's a path to bear.
Multiplication's power, a force unswayed, may bring joy or sorrow, as plans are laid.

What once was addition, a harmonious blend, now becomes multiplication, where stories extend. With dreams that multiply, ambitions take flight,
But bear in mind, it's not always pure delight.

For in the realm of 'x,' where fortunes are spun, unfortunate things, too, can be multiplied, dear one. It's not just the joys that may exponentially grow,
But challenges and hurdles may also sow.

So, as the plus sign shifts to an 'x' with grace, consider the consequences in life's embrace.
Make choices with wisdom, with caution and care, for multiplication multiplies burdens to bear.

When the plus sign turns to 'x,' let it be known, it's what you truly desire, not just what's shown. For life's equations are complex, and they can sway,
Ensure 'x' brings blessings, come what may. Do The Math. - P.

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