Unapologetic Peace

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Unapologetic Peace

Yes, peace comes with a price but that's alright because I won't allow you or anyone for that matter to interrupt the peace I have going on in my life. See when you at peace, misery becomes lonely because you no longer lend it your ear, and as a result misery disappears and finds another host to get near. Oh yeah, peace comes with a price, and at times you may find yourself by yourself, bc the un-peaceful realize they have to go somewhere else to get their un-peaceful fix, especially when they realize you not here for their bullshit! Oh yeah, peace comes with a price, and you got the money to pay for it, that money is in the form of time, and I won't allow the un-peaceful to take mine, because yes, life is short, matter of fact, it's a one way ticket and it ain't no coming back, so why would you let the un-peaceful steal your time like that? Unapologetic peace. - P.

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