The Vibes

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The Vibes

In the world of physics, frequencies divine, a power to discern the genuine from the malign. Like waves that ripple through space and time,
They unveil the truth, in rhythm and rhyme.

In life's grand stage, where people play, frequencies of character come into display.
The real ones vibrate with beautiful hearts so pure,their kindness and love, forever endure.

But the fake, they emit a discordant sound, inauthentic vibes, deceit all around. Their wavelengths clash with the genuine tune, in the frequency of truth, they're out of tune.

Through physics' lens, we learn to see, the genuine souls, who they truly be. In their frequencies, a resonance strong,
A connection enduring, where we all belong.

So trust the vibes, the frequencies of the heart,
They'll guide you true, set your life apart. In the world of physics, truth's revealed, real from fake, in vibrations concealed. The Vibes. - P.

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