Chapter 13 : A Tinge Of Happiness

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Leh, a beautiful town nestled in the Himalayas, was a sight to behold for Nitasha Kapoor as she stepped out of the airport. The crisp mountain air purified her lungs, away from the city chaos and she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and pure joy. However this joy was short lasting as the face of her best friend , Haseena and also what she must  be enduring under the clutches of Anveer for this much long flashed before her eyes reminding her the actual goal why she was here!.

Nitasha sighed thinking once again those old yet precious memories with her besties starting from high school days to today and collected her luggage and made her way outside. There she noticed a man in his mid-20s holding a placard with her name on it - Nitasha Kapoor, getting a little surprised.

Just then, her phone beeped, and she saw a message from Major Rana. It was a cryptic message informing her that her teammate, Rajat Shah, would be there to receive her. She had to say the code "NIK032" to ensure Rajat recognized her.

Reading the message, Nitasha glanced at the man again, as confusion got erased from her mind. He had a friendly smile and a confident posture that put her at ease. She walked up to him and said, "NIK032."

The man nodded with recognition and said, "Welcome to Leh, Ms. Kapoor. Myself Rajat Shah, your teammate. Major Rana sent me to pick you up."

Relieved that she had found the right person, Nitasha nodded and followed Rajat to a black SUV parked just outside the airport. Rajat opened the door for her and introduced her to three other individuals inside the car - Priya, Ravi, and Alisha. They were all wearing black jackets and sunglasses, giving off an air of mystery themselves. Nitasha wondered how much more mystery is waiting for her up in this mission , Mission Manzil. 

Nitasha settled into the comfortable seats of the SUV as they began the journey towards their destination. As the car sped along the winding roads of Leh, Rajat began to explain the mission. As they drove through the scenic landscape of Leh, Nitasha listened intently to Rajat's plan. Their objective was to put an ultimate end Anveer's reign of terror lasting for decades , and rescue Haseena. Hope was all that they could rely on in this mission, which has invitation for danger in it's every step.

After a journey of 1-2 hours , the black SUV haulted. Their first stop was a safe house in the outskirts of Leh, a secluded cabin nestled amidst towering pine trees, offering them a sense of security in an otherwise hostile environment. They got down from the car and made their entry inside it welcomed by armed sevurity persons.

Inside, they found state-of-the-art communication devices, surveillance equipment, and an array of weapons. Over the next few days, Nitasha and her team planned their attack on Anveer's hideout. They studied the layout of the building, analyzed the movements of Anveer's guards and specially trained dogs, and devised a precise timeline for their operation , ensuring there was no room for mistakes , or rather blunders. Finally, the day of the mission arrived. They geared up in their black tactical suits and loaded their weapons. 

Under the darkness, they made their way towards Anveer's hideout. The tension in the air was on it's high peaks as they approached their target. Every step they took brought them closer to their objective, but also closer to danger. As they came in close proximity with the perimeter of the hideout, their adrenaline surged high. However , controlling their nerves , they managed to swiftly neutralize guards and other security and navigated their way through the complex, leaving behind no trace of their secret mission. 

Nitasha's heart pounded in her chest as they approached the room where Haseena was being held. The room was dimly lit , she could feel anger rushing through her veins realising how her childhood best friend, Haseena had been held captive by the notorious criminal, Anveer Raj , and in what atmosphere she was being kept for days. The room was filled with a tense silence as Nitasha took in the sight before her.

There, lying in a corner as a lifeless, was Haseena , her lifeline , her Hasi. Her once vibrant eyes were now filled with pain and fear , yet determination and dedication towards her duty. Her clothes were torn and dirty, and her body bore the marks of  endless tortures. Nitasha's heart wrenched at the sight of her dear friend in such a vulnerable state. Jaws tightened , fists clenched , Nitasha went forward, tears streaming down her eyes. She fell to her knees and locked Haseena in a tight embrace, ensuring that she doesn't get hurt. Haseena looked up painfully , and her eyes beamed with joy to see her bestie in front of her, their tears mingling in a  reunion, the most awaited one. 


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