My Unpopular Headcanons

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WARNING: politics

I read on Reddit that all history nerds ended up either socialist or racist, and I'm definitely not the latter, so... yay.

I saw on Wattpad that there is a story that just decided that Shellington was Catholic. Yeah, I don't buy it. He's far too science-y to believe in a God. He'd be agnostic and wonder if it exists but he would never fully accept or deny that there was a God. (And personally I have a rather low opinion on Catholics for personal reasons)

Tweak and Dashi are both feminists. No explanation needed. Girls will support girls. They want abortions to be legal not because they hate babies but because they believe it's too big of a choice to be forced on any woman regardless of whether they used protection or not.

Inkling was very interested in communist philosophy for a while because when he had first read about it, he believed it to be perfect, until it wasn't, and our brainy little octopus studied the living wits out of the works of Marx and Engels to figure out what went so wrong.

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