241 The loner And The Dog

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  "We usually don't allow pets Mr..." "Takashi" "Myes, Takashi. However, I guess you're lucky. A previous tenant of mine just....moved out, I guess you could say. Anyways, make sure you aren't too loud. Practicing your hobby during the day is okay, but I don't want complaints from other tenants." I nodded and took the keys from him. "I understand, however it isn't just a hobby. I have a soul for rock." The landlord was already walking away, ignoring the loner talking of his music passion. "Come on, let's go Aussie." The long haired golden dog went into the apartment first. The loner didn't bother with unpacking much, he would have time to unpack later. For the time being he just ate his instant noodles and wrote lyrics. Aussie listened patiently. He understood the soul of rock. There was a knock on the door and a note slid under it. "Shit, guess I was being too loud. That old man caught on, right Aussie?" He laughed and rubbed the dogs head, going to the front door.
  The note was made with sticker letters. "Come play with us...What the fu-?" He turned around and held up the note for the dog to see. "Pretty rad, right Aussayyy!? Already moved in and the neighbors wanna play pranks on me! Alright, let's make a game out of it then. Say, what should I write back?" He say down clumsily and in his chicken scratch wrote, 'your mom sucks....my cock!' He laughed as if it was the funniest joke and, scratching his balls went out the front door then dropped off the note. "I heard those little shits go this way, apartment 240." He knocked on the door hard and slid the note under. Before he could walk away, the note slid back under the door to his side. "Yo, what the fuck? So you're not receiving my gift anymore? Thought you said you wanted to play you little shitss!"
  He waved his hand at the door. "Ah, forget it. I got music to write." He left the note where it was. "Hey, tell your mom I said hi!" He laughed and went back into his apartment. Later on in the night, he decided to order some pizza delivery. "Damn, fuck. Of course that greasy ass landlord keeps the main door locked!" He left his apartment and walked to get the pizza. On his way back after paying, he noticed something peculiar. Room 240 was cracked open. A small silhouette stood in the moonlight of the room. "Hey kid, want some pizza?" He held the box out then took it back towards his chest. "We'll you're not getting any!" The small figure tilted it's head, a loud cracking sound as it did so. The angle was unrealistic. The loner couldn't help but stare, his dog, still in the apartment, sensed the danger.
  It barked wildly, scratching at the door. The loner wanted to move, or scream out, or do SOMETHING. He couldn't bring himself to. The black soulless eyes of the little boy were all he could see. The boys limbs cracked and contorted every millisecond as his distanced closer between him and the loner. His gaping mouth, teeth torn out, were the last thing the loner saw before....
  Beep beep beep his alarm went off and he wiped the sweat off his forehead, gasping. "Damn you, turn OFF!" He practically threw his phone across the room, but was secretly happy it was all just a dream. However, he had this odd feeling like something had occurred. It all felt so real plus his body felt different in a way. He ignored it and went into the living room. As soon as he walked in there, he noticed Aussie wasn't laying on the bean bag like usual. He heard his dog whining from a dark corner of the house. He went over to him carefully. "Aussie? Come here boy, what's wrong?" The dog paused but then whined more and more. The loner quickly turned on the light of the small laundry area. His dog lay on the tile, a puddle of blood around him, his teeth either removed or barely hanging on.
  On the wall, in his dog's blood wrote: 'Thanks for the gift...neighbor." Any normal person would've taken the dog to the vet first probably, or at least checked the mirror to realize something of theirs was also missing. The loner, however, went back to apartment 240. Seeing nothing there, not a single person. He turned to leave and get back to his dog but the door slammed shut. It locked, from the outside. "You better come out little kid. I don't know who or what the fuck you are, but you've got hell to pay for hurting Aussie!' Instead of a boy or even a child, it was a woman's laugh he heard. She came out of hiding, dressed in a red dress and licking a bloody knife. "You dumbass, you didn't even think to look in the mirror!" The loner tried to lunge at her but failed to realize she had already trapped him.
  He wrists were tied together and coaxed to the ceiling by a pulley system. "What the fuck do you want with me!? Why did you hurt Aussie you bitch!?" The woman slid the knife down her open chested dress. "You said....you wanted to fuck me...right!? I am the boys mother after all!" The loners blood ran cold. What was this hell space? "No wonder rent was so cheap....If I knew a bitch like you was gonna be my neighbor I never would've signed up!" The woman took something out of her side purse. Teeth. Lots of them. Both canine and human. She let them fall on the ground slowly. The loner watched in terror and rage. His body shaking. "Night night~" The man was hit in the head from behind. His fate to, was to wake up in that bright white room, with blue alien lights and speakers.

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