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The tour of the ship took a very long time. It was clear to me that Buggy was very proud of his ship - which I could understand. It was a beautiful boat.

After Buggy had shown me every inch of the ship, he said the only place left was my sleeping quarters. I immediately became nervous when he had said that.

One of the places that he had shown me on our tour was the sleeping quarters of his crew. It was at the very bottom of the ship. A dark, dank room. It was filled to the absolute brim with bunk beds, packed tightly next to each other.

The room the crew slept in was also a complete mess. None of the beds were made, there was mess everywhere. They even had weapons lying around everywhere - including the floor, which Buggy had to warn me about when we had gone down.

I don't know what I was expecting when he said he would show me their sleeping quarters. It makes sense that there wouldn't be enough room for everyone to have an individual room. That being said, it still blew my mind that that many people slept in such a small space.

When he told me that it was time to see where I would be sleeping, it worried me. If his own crew slept in such awful conditions, I didn't even want to imagine where I'd be sleeping.

After all, I was just a map, a hostage. I worried I would just be shoved in a closet, or a cage maybe.

Imagine my shock when he brought me to a large bedroom, with a queen sized bed that was pristine. The room itself was gorgeous. It was clean, filled with all the things one could need, drawers for clothes and a vanity mirror for getting ready.

As I was looking at the vanity, I noticed that there was a lot of make-up scattered on it. Not just any make-up, however, clown make-up. Now I was confused.

"I thought you said you were showing me where I'll be sleeping?" I asked, turning to look at him.

He stretched his arms up, ignoring my question, as he slumped down onto the bed. "I'm exhausted. It's been a busy day."

A busy day of terrorising me and my town, I thought to myself bitterly. I tried not to let any annoyance show on my face, though. Again, I needed to make friends with him if possible.

"I'm tired too."

"You can get some sleep if you'd like. We're staying here over-night and setting sail in the morning. So, hopefully your sea sickness won't be too bad for now."

How thoughtful of him. "Would it be okay to be shown to my bed then? I'd like to sleep as soon as possible."

"Sure!" He cheered, jumping up from his bed and grabbing my hand tightly. He ridiculously walked me round in a circle, until I was facing his bed again.

"I don't understand."

"You wanted me to show you to your bed. Here it is."

It dawned on me at that moment. I was apparently going to be sleeping in his bed.

"You're joking."

"Have I ever joked?" He asked sarcastically, placing a hand on his heart.

I sighed. "You can't seriously expect me to sleep in your bed... with you."

"Well, you either sleep here or down under the ship in one of those bunk beds. I thought you'd be more comfortable sharing the room with one clown rather than a hundred.

Plus, I promised you I wouldn't hurt you. I keep my promises. My clowns, however, made no such promises. If I put you down there, there's a good chance you'll be dead after the first night."

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