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It felt like an eternity that I laid in bed, debating whether or not to follow my Dad's plan. I had to desperately fight the urge to fall asleep - I was so tired, all I wanted to do was drift into sleep.

Buggy had told me that it was only for tonight that we would be docked here. That meant, in the morning, we'd be off, and I'd lose this opportunity. It was now or never. Do or die. It made the decision even harder, knowing that I had such a short amount of time to decide.

If I wanted to follow my Dad's plans, it had to be tonight. Luckily for me, Buggy was already fast asleep. In fact, he had went to sleep almost immediately, seemingly knackered from a busy day terrorising us.

When he had been getting ready for bed, he had slipped off his large coat, which pulled his shirt up slightly as he did so. When it pulled up, I got a short sight of his stomach. I should have looked away but I just couldn't help myself from taking a look.

Again, I was disgusted with my attraction to him. It was wrong to find such an evil man so good-looking. Still, I had kept my eyes on him as he went to pull off his shirt. I felt a pang of disappointment as he seemingly remembered I was there, that I could see every.

He had looked almost embarrassed - which was rare for him. He softly asked me to close my eyes so he could get changed for bed.

I followed his order. If I'm honest, I wanted to take another peak, but I resisted the urge to. After all, I wouldn't want him peeking at me as I changed. Of course, I couldn't change because I had no clothes except the ones I was wearing.

Buggy said he'd find me some spare clothes on the ship, although they might be a little clownish.

After he changed, he slipped under the covers and demanded I did the same. I laid on the edge of the bed, trying to create as much distance from him as possible. The queen sized bed offered me a lot of space to do so. He was true to his word and didn't try anything funny.

Shockingly, he slept in his make-up. That, I decided not to question. He had taken off his pirate hat, though. It turns the long blue things coming off the side of it hadn't been tassels, it was his hair.

His hair was incredibly long - much more than mine. It reached almost down to his waist. It was poker straight, too. Somehow, his long hair made me find him even more attractive.

Before he'd gotten into bed, he had left his sword on the dresser beside his side of the bed. If I was going to escape, it would be smart to grab that and bring it with me, I thought to myself.

So, I laid there, weighing my choices. Both seemed bad. If my head had been clearer, I would have realised that this plan was idiotic and impossible.

There was no way my small town, comprised of people who had never so much as held a weapon, could take down an entire trained pirate crew.

But I was desperate, and tiredness clouded my judgement.

Slowly, I got up out of the bed, eyeing up Buggy as he slept, making sure he wouldn't wake. He looked even prettier when he slept, I thought. It made him look harmless and soft.

Carefully, I began to sneak around to his side of the bed, lifting his sword from its spot without making a single sound. I had to hold my breath, scared even that small of a noise would wake him.

I looked down at him, half expecting to find his eyed open but no, he was still fast asleep. I couldn't believe I was succeeding in my plan.

When I opened his bedroom door, I peeked my head out to check if anyone was standing out on the deck. Nobody. It was a ghost town.

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