f o r t y e i g h t

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After our breakfast, we began to wrap up in our heaviest clothes. Buggy had warned me that it would be colder in the woods so I should wrap as warmly as I could.

I grabbed a large knitted jumper out of my bag, along with the thickest pair of trousers that I had. Then, I put on my big jacket.

"Here," Buggy said, approaching me and, before I could say anything, wrapping a scarf around my neck. He did it so softly, too.

"Thank you," I replied in almost a whisper.

After that, we headed out. The town was bad but not nearly as bad as previous towns had been through. Windows were smashed, there was rubbish in the streets but no other houses were burned down, no body was dead (that I could see).

Most of his clowns were passed out from either exhaustion or from being so drunk last night. A couple were still up.

"Are there any villagers around or did you scare them all off?" Buggy asked one of his men.

"We have three as hostages held up in the square. We tied them to a tree."

"Overnight?" I asked, horrified.

"Well... yes," the clown replied, as if my question was obvious.

"Buggy -"

I didn't need to finish, Buggy was already off towards the square. There, we found out his clowns had been telling the truth. There were three people tied to a large tree. They were alive but barely.

"Help me untie them," was all Buggy said.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I helped him as fast as I could, desperate to get these people into warmth. Two of them were women, and one was a man.

When we had untied them, we helped them to their feet. They couldn't stand without us to lean on but once we offered support, they managed.

We walked them back to the house that we had stayed at. Immediately, I started the fire up. The three people basically ran towards the fire in desperation, holding out their hands.

"Will they be okay?" I asked Buggy softly.

He talked directly to them instead of me. "My clowns know not to enter this house since I've claimed it. Stay in here and you'll all be safe."

One of the woman looked at Buggy with venom. I couldn't blame her.

Buggy just shrugged. "We were looking for ice skates. Do you have any in your town?"

"Ice skates?" The woman who had given him the venomous look asked. "Where are you going to ice skate?"

"We heard there's a lake in the woods."

"That's -" the man began but he was interrupted.

"The ice skates are kept in the lodge with the red roof. It had skiing gear, too."

I wanted to ask what the first man was going to say but I didn't want to bother these people more than we already had. So, me and Buggy headed out in search of the red roofed house.

It wasn't hard to find. It stuck out like a sore thumb. Inside, it was clear that this was a holding place for gear like this. It was full of it. It even had hats, gloves, scarves etc.

Buggy handed me a pair of the gloves. "You finally don't have to steal mine."

"What a shame. I like stealing yours."

"How about this: you steal my gloves and I'll steal yours."

I just laughed at that. We found the skates easily and I saw what he meant by the blade on the bottom. It wasn't what I had been imagining.

We headed into the woods, in the direction that we had heard the lake had been. It was pretty deep in, maybe a five minute walk, but we found it. It was massive.

"Are you sure the ice will hold?"

"Want me to test it out for you?" He asked.

"Considering you're the one who can't swim, I should probably test it out."

"You're right. I accept your sacrifice."

I just rolled my eyes. We took off our shoes, shoved the ice skating boots on. I couldn't even stand in mine without help.

Buggy held out his hands, and I happily accepted them. Suddenly, the disconnected from his body and I was sent falling back into the snow. He just laughed at me.

"Not funny! It's freezing in the snow," I complained, trying to get back to my feet. I really couldn't manage it.

"Mind giving me a hand? Or two?" He asked me, still laughing.

"I'm going to break your hands."

"That's not very nice." His hands floated up back onto his body, connecting, then he held them out for me to take them again. "I promise I'll actually help you this time."

He was true to his word. He heaved me up from the snow and onto my feet. He kept a hold of me, helping me move towards the ice.

The second I was on the ice, I almost fell again but Buggy kept a tight hold of me.

"This is so difficult. How do people do this?"

"Just don't overthink it."

"Overthinking is sort of my thing."

He smiled at that. "I know it is but just don't. Relax."

I tried to follow his advice. Once we were on the ice, he held just one of my hands and attempted to teach me to skate. It was impossible.

I would glide for about three seconds, lose my balance and almost fall. But everyime, Buggy caught me. It was fun, though.

After around an hour, I could at least stand on my own. Buggy began to show up, gliding around the ice as if it were as easy as walking. He even did some twirls.

"Show off!" I yelled after him, laughing to myself.

He didn't slow down, continuing to fly around the ice like a ballerina. I pushed myself to follow after him. Whenever I'd finally get to the spot he was at, he'd be at the other side of the ice.

He was fast. I gave up pretty quickly on trying to keep up with him. The more time that passed, the more comfortable I got.

The fear of falling left me once I had fallen once, realising it didn't really hurt. Everytime I fell, Buggy would appear to help me back to my feet. But he would quickly skate off once I was standing again.

"You said you'd help me."

"I am. You won't learn if I keep holding your hand," He told me as he zoomed past me.

He was probably right about that. I watched as he skating off to the other side of the ice.

I focused completely on myself, on my feet and how they were to move as I glided. As I was really beginning to get a hold of it, I heard the most awful noise.

It was a loud cracking noise. Panic set in as I searched the ice below my feet, desperately looking for where the ice was breaking.

To my confusion, I couldn't see anything. The ice seemed absolutely fine. Had I imagined it? I wondered to myself.

As I looked to Buggy, to ask him if he had heard it too, I finally saw where the ice was breaking.

It wasn't below my feet. It was below Buggy's. Before I could move or say a single word, the ice broke completely. I watched in absolute horror as Buggy fell through the ice and into the freezing water.

Oh fuck.


AH I'm so excited to share this chapter! what do you all think is going to happen? buggy can't swim remember because of his devil fruit powers!!

reads: 103k
published on 18th of November

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