S3: New Start

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8 months on the road....


Every sound makes my hairs stand.

Daryl's been teaching me a lot about the different sounds. I'm getting pretty good at identifying the difference between animals, the dead, and the living. He says it's best to know the difference out here, just in case. I do truly enjoy the hunting breaks. But Daryl's teaching skills give me brainaches. If I get something wrong I have to do it all over again until I get it right.

Not to mention the lack of patience he has.

It took me a week to finally hold my gun up. It took me a month to learn to aim. And four months in I had finally shot my first walker.

I have a heavy muffler on the end of my gun now. It's screwing up my aim but Rick says its a must. The quieter our weapons the less walkers.

Carl likes to brag he's a better shot then me.

But I'm better at sounds.

I'm also better at noticing things that nobody else does.

And that has nothing to do with the lessons.

"Squirrel." I whisper. My back pressed against a fallen tree, my gun in my lap. Daryl is beside me, his eyes locked behind the log. I'm not allowed to look. I have to sit here and face the trees until I get the answer right.

Whatever it is the animal is moving quickly. It's light, the rustling of the leaves is hard to hear. Then randomly the noise will stop and seconds later the noise is higher. In the trees. It's shouldn't be a bird because it moves up branches quickly.

"Where is it at now?" Daryl asks.

I listen again. The rustling sound moves higher from my side, and a branch- a small one- falls to the ground behind the fallen tree. I face him, "My left, your right."

"Good." He mumbles, standing up this time.

I push myself to stand to. Then the loud snapping sound, caused by someone's feet, catches our attention. Without turning around I look straight at Daryl, and answer the unsaid question. "Glenn." Daryl gives me a proud bump on my shoulder with his fist.

"Big foot." I hear Daryl grumble as he makes his way towards the boy.

When I turn, Glenn is leaning on one knee, struggling to pry a thorn branch from his ankle. "Sorry...Rick told me to tell you guys we're heading out. T found a house not to far from here."

"Finally, I'm tired of listening to the birds chirp." I giggle. Just as I reach Glenn I peel the annoying thorns from his jean pants. Then I toss it over my shoulder.

I've had way to much practice with those annoying suckers.

"Thanks, Homie."


We have to be silent when we raid the houses. Even after it's clear. It's one of Ricks rules to not draw extra attention. Rick, T, and Daryl are the first in, Carl and I following right behind them. The rest of the crew waits outside for the clear.

Mrs. Lori is the most vulnerable right now. Her belly has grown so much since the farm. Hershel says its any day now the baby comes. Even though we're all really scared for what's gonna happen, I can't help also be excited. I haven't seen a baby in forever.

Carl taps my shoulder, then points towards the kitchen. With my gun in front of me, I follow his lead, my back practically pressed against his.

The room is a reck. Whoever was here before seemed to have taken every drop from every can possible. I follow Carl as he goes deeper into the kitchen, towards the pantry. He taps my shoulder again and points sideways. Letting me know to move to the side of the door. When I'm there he nods before pushing it open slowly. Before he steps in I grab his arm.

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