S3: Pain Of Lose

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My feet kick at the seat in-front of me. I can't tell if Michonne is annoyed or not but I can't seem to stop. I'm not even crying anymore. I'm just angry. Angry that I let myself believe this wouldn't happen again.

Rick, Glenn, and Maggie are yelling about everything outside. I don't think I've ever seen Glenn so angry. But I understand him cause I'm just as upset.

Merle has ruined everything.

"This is rather healthy compared to what I do to handle anger." Michonne mumbles from beside me.

"You mean keeping walkers as pets or stabbing out peoples eyes?"  I seethe. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't know what else to do to keep myself from crying again. I'm so tired of crying.


I stop kicking, finally letting my foot fall back to the floor. "I'm struggling to not tear up the seat with my knife."

"If it was a person, you would have busted a kidney."

I pull my hands into my stomach, clutching my watch. "I had the chance to kill him too you know. Or at least hurt him, but instead I was so scared I let him take the knife from my hands."

She leans forward, slightly, to look me in the eye. Her braids fall in-front of her face, almost hiding her frown. "I had the chance to, and I chose to walk out the door. Twice."

"We suck."

"We're human. Killing someone isn't supposed to be easy."

I suck in a deep breath. I know she's right but we also have to make choices. "But we have to. We have to, or other people will die. It's something my pop didn't want to except."

"Yeah, that's when intuition comes in handy."

My arms fold in to my chest. "It failed me today."


"Omie." Rick's voice whispers, pulling me out of my thoughts and out the window. I can see the prison towers a bit in the distant. Through the mirror I can see the mans small smile. "I forgot to mention something to you."

As we pull closer to the prison I see the gates. I can feel my heart beat pick up as we get closer. Carl waves his hands in air as he moves to open the second gate for us. But my eyes pin to the other person beside him. Someone I never expected to see again.

"Carol!" I scream in happiness, reaching over Glenn to open the door. Before Rick even stops the car, I'm out of it running towards the women. "Carol!"

"Shit!" Rick curses as he stops the car suddenly.

"Naomie." Carol smiles back, dropping to one knee as I make it to her. I don't even hesitate before I throw my arms around her neck. "Hi there."

"I thought you were dead. How are you alive?" I cry, pulling away to check her face. She's real. She's really real. "We couldn't find you-."

"T saved me. Then Daryl found me." Oh no, Daryl. She doesn't know. "Where is he?"


"Omie!" Carl screams rushing into me. I don't even get the chance to turn around before I'm picked up off the ground and spun in a circle. Carl's only a couple inches taller than me, but he's still able to lift me off the ground. "You're okay."

"Kind of." I mumble back turning around to finally face him. "I missed you."

"I've been so bored. Beth's good company but Hershel's stories aren't very entertaining. Oh, and I saved people all on my own-." Rick cuts him off suddenly, turning his son around to share a hug. My eyes travel back to Carol who searches the windows for any sign of Daryl. I can practically feel her fear,

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