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"A plan to retake Trost?" a soldier asked.

"You're kidding," another soldier said, "We have no way to seal the hole."

"What is the brass thinking?" a soldier demanded, "Going back to Trost would mean certain death."

"The only thing we can do is die as we defend Wall Rose's gates." another soldier muttered.

"I have to return to that hell?" Daz asked himself, "No! I don't want to die! Let me see my family!"

"Daz, you're being too loud," Marco whispered to him.

"You there, I heard you!" a soldier yelled as he walked over to Daz and Marco, "Are you saying that you want to abandon the mission?"

"That's right!" Daz answered, "This is nothing but mass suicide! It's meaningless!"

"Have you no respect for humanity? For order?" the soldier demanded as he was prepared to draw his sword, "If I chose to, I could execute you right here!"

"Go ahead," Daz offered as he drew his sword, "It's a hundred times better than getting eaten by a titan."

"Daz, stop it!" Marco begged.

"No, let me go!" Daz screamed.

Their fighting continued as more and more people heard. Some soldiers began to beg others to start a riot, so they wouldn't have to go back in there and risk their lives. Others were already beginning to panic, begging not to go back into Trost. Pixis and Eren arrived at the gates of Wall Rose as they finished their conversation. Pixis was simply calm as he heard the screams of terror. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

"ATTENTION!" Pixis commanded.

Everyone stopped their fighting and began to listen to the Commander.

"I shall now explain the plan to retake Trost! For this mission, our objective is to seal the hole where the gate was destroyed!" Pixis explained. The soldiers looked up at him in shock, how were they going to do that.

"Seal it?" Marco questioned, "How?"

"Let me introduce you to the one who will seal the hole for us," Pixis continued as he gestured for Eren to step forward, "From the cadet corps, Eren Jaeger."

"E-Eren!" Connie exclaimed. "He is the result of a top secret project to turn humans into titans!" Pixis explained, "He can create and control a Titan's body!" Connie widened his eyes in shock as he voice squeaked. "Hey! I have no idea what the Commander's talking about. Am I just too stupid to get it or something?"

"Will you shut up stupid ?" Ymir demanded.

"He will become a Titan," Pixis proceeded, "pick up the giant boulder by the shattered gate, carry it over, and seal the hole. If that fails, there is a man that is currently fighting the titans, the black swordsman, who will take on the task of fending off the titans preventing any from entering."

"Guts!" Connie exclaimed.

"So you weren't joking," Ymir remarked.

"However, if all goes right, your task will be to protect him from the titans while he moves the boulder!" Pixis said. Everyone was completely baffled by what was going on. Carry the boulder? Was that even possible?

"Is it possible?" a soldier asked, "Has humanity finally learned to control the titans?"

"You're lying!" Daz yelled, "I won't put my life on the line for a plan I can't understand! What do you think we are? We aren't pawns for you to sacrifice!"

ATTACK ON TITAN: BERSERKWhere stories live. Discover now