Important notice

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So most of you have probably been wondering

"What happened to this book?"


I'm starting to grow out of my Creepypasta phase. Of course I still like horror stories but I'm getting less creative and active with this book, and slowly losing interest in the fandom. Hell, I'm pretty sure I've read every single CP Zodiacs book on Wattpad XD

Here's the deal

I will finish all the "What the CPs think of [insert zodiac]"s, make a couple more chapters and I will see if I can transfer the ownership somehow to someone else. And if that doesn't work, I'll just discontinue it.

This book was created in March of 2023, it's now September. I really enjoyed making this book, and it was my first book on Wattpad. In advance, I want to thank everyone who first read this, voted and commented on this book. It means so much to me that my ideas are something that people enjoy reading.

I actually have a fond memory of me having a mini celebration when I reached 100 reads at 10 in the night lol

And I want to specially thank IsabelleWritesThings and PsychotiCerealKiller for commenting and interacting bunch on this book, even if you weren't there from the very beginning. You guys pratically made me famous XD

- yourlocal_scorpi1117

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