6 - Innocently dirty

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Seonghwa prepared everything in his bathroom. The tub was already filling up rather quickly, and he had added the complimentary bathing salts and some bubbles. He knew she appreciated that. With the towels within reach from the tub, and a few cans of soda there too, he went back into the room. He stopped in the doorway and just looked at them.

Jongho wasn't one for physical touch. Everyone knew this. And yet, now he was holding Jax firmly against his chest. She still had the blindfold on, of course, and her face was nuzzled into Jongho's neck. He was stroking her hair. Seonghwa guessed she would have purred if she could, she looked very comfortable. Jongho had pulled a blanket over them, but they still felt pretty warm, all of them.

«Jaqueline?» Seonghwa said as he sat down on the bed behind her back. «Are you sleeping?»

«Nu-uh,» she croaked, clearly almost asleep.

«Are you comfy?»


«That's good,» he said, noticing that she was beginning to come out of the headspace she had been in for a while tonight. «But we need to get cleaned up. Do you wanna shower or take a bath?»

«Bath, please,» she whispered, making Seonghwa smile. He knew she would pick a bath. Jongho couldn't help but study their chemistry. He was starting to feel self-conscious and out of place. This was intimate, it belonged to the two of them and he was just a guest.

«It's ready. Come on, let me help you get up.»

As Jax got up, Jongho stayed under the covers, planning to leave when the two of them were in the bath.

«Hey,» Seonghwa said as they went in the door, looking back at Jongho. «Coming?»

Jongho looked at him with big eyes and shook his head.

The two of them had a silent conversation, where Seonghwa tried to have him join them in the bath, and Jongho tried to convey how uncomfortable that made him. Seonghwa really wished he could be honest with Jongho, but Jax was right there. If he told Jongho how important it was for her that he'd join them, and he still refused... It would break her heart.

As he turned his back to Jongho and saw his youngest member get up, he almost held his breath. He couldn't hide his relieved sigh when Jongho actually joined them in the bathroom.

«Jax?» Seonghwa said, getting her attention.

«Yeah?» She had just sat down in the tub, the warm water surrounding her pleasantly.

«Our guest is still here. The tub is too small for all of us though. Would it be okay if he left now?»

«Oh,» she said, turning her head a little towards where she assumed he was. «Yeah, that's okay. Is... is he...»

«He is very happy, Jax, believe me.»

«No, I mean... I'm sorry for...»

Seonghwa was going to stop her talking, but Jongho beat him to it. He placed his lips on hers. Not forcefully, but gently. It did in fact make her shut up. She understood what he was saying, at least the gist of it.

«Okay,» she breathed when he parted from her. «Thank you, sir.»

She felt fingers caress her cheek, and then she heard him leave.

Seonghwa took her blindfold off when he joined her in the water. He washed her hair thoroughly and massaged her scalp and her shoulders. They had a routine that had grown organically over time. The routine gave them the opportunity to come out of their roles in a good way, there wasn't much talking needed. There was a big portion of trust in-between them now, and this part of their time together was important. Sometimes, this part was almost the most important part for Seonghwa. If he was in a vulnerable place, or feeling lonely... Yes, they would have sex, but the cuddling after was what he really needed. She would provide, without questioning it. And sometimes he pretended to need it if he sensed that she needed it. It somehow worked for them.

Vanilla // Ateez // CJH x PSH x fem reader *m*Where stories live. Discover now